Tuesday, 19 December 2017

English 8-3

Today we finished off the Lit Circles and did a peer evaluation sheet.  Students then had time to finish off their booklets and any other outstanding work. 

English 9-3

Today in English we finished up our Lit Circles. Students did a peer evaluation and then group work on the role of English in their everyday lives and futures.  All assignments should be handed in: the iphone character analysis, the character analysis sheets, corrects for your paragraphs, and lit circle booklets filled in and completed. 

Social Studies Vikings unit.

Today in Socials we will do a sketchnote and then you will start the Vikings Web Quest.  You are to answer the questions on a separate piece of paper and hand them in as your final assignment in Socials.  You will have the next two lessons to complete them.  Good Luck

 Please follow this link to the Vikings Web Quest.

English 8-2 and 8-4 Monday Dec 18,

Today was our last official Lit Circle day. Students finished up their booklets and filled out the peer review.  I asked that all booklets be handed in.  I have marked those that were handed in and will have your grades by Wednesday.  Please be sure that all of your work is handed in.

Friday, 15 December 2017

English 9-3 Thursday and Friday Dec 14 and 15

Both Thursday and Friday students have worked to finish off owed work.  Many of you are caught up, but there still are a few who need to get work into me.  Please be sure that you have completed your paragraph corrections, finished your book and lit circle booklet, and finished your character study.

We also did a bully and empathy activity that sprung from the books we have been reading.  I showed a short film and Shane Koyczan's spoken word poem, To this day!

English 8-3 Thursday and Friday Dec 14 and 15th

Thursday and Friday have been primarily finish up work days.  Students finished off their lit circles and lit circle booklets, as well as, finishing paragraph and a character activity.  There are a handful of students who will have English homework over the weekend. 

Social Studies Thursday and Friday Dec 14th and 15th

In Social Studies on Thursday, after current events and a discussion on sustainability, we watched the BBC special on the Vikings.

On Fridays class we focused on sustainability in our own community and discussed what is missing and what changes we would want to see.

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Wednesday, English8-2 and 8-4

Today, we had a finish up work day.  We finished up the Lit Circles and most students finished their paragraphs and or corrections.  They are due please be sure to share them with me.

Tuesday, Dec 12 English 9-3 and 8-3

The English lessons began with DEAR and then we went right into our film, "The Wave!" I hope that you all enjoyed it.

Tuesday, Dec 12 Social Studies

After Current events, I allowed students time to finish off their Celtic projects.  In the final 20 minutes we did a gallery walk of each of them and learned some interesting facts about the Celts.  I have extended the due date to Thursday, for those who needed to finish up - there will be no more class time.  On Thursday - we will begin our final unit before Christmas on the VIKINGS! We will begin with the BBC special on Thursday after current events.

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Monday Dec 11, English 8-2

On Monday the class did dance instead of English.  Next Class please be prepared to finish up your character paragraph, your who's phone is this and your lit circle booklets.

Monday, Dec 11 English 8-4

During Mondays Class we watch the 1980s film: the Wave. For Wednesdays class please come prepared to finish up any assignment due and your Lit circle booklets. 

Friday, 8 December 2017

Social Studies 8-4 Tuesday and Thursday Dec 5 and 6th

On Tuesday we wrote our Fall of Rome Quiz.  Afterward, students worked on the Celt project.  I was disappointed how many of you chose to use your project time and because of that have moved the due date to Tuesday December 12th, you will have 20 minutes of class time to finish them off.  The rest will have to be done on your own time.

On Thursday, we reviewed the tests.  Some of you asked me if you could re-do the test and the answer is yes.  However, you must come in at lunch for a quick tutorial before writing it the following class.  Only one student was at my Friday tutorial, and so will be able to re-write the quiz on Monday.  The class work was much more focused and productive for the projects. I very much appreciate the good use of class time. 

Wednesday and Friday, Dec 6 and 8, English 8-4

On Wednesday in English 8-2, I was away, and students were asked to meet in the Library with Mrs. Sharkey.  The class began as normal with DEAR and you were given time to work on week three's booklet assignment.  Then, Lit Circles met for the third time.  After Lit circles, students had a lesson on verb consistency.  You will find a link to Grammar Girl here, if you would like to review some of the rules about tenses.  This cite also has audio should you learn better by listening. There was also a worksheet that students finished and handed in.

On Friday morning's class after DEAR, and booklet,  students finished off or made corrections to the paragraphs - The personal responses to Bullying and/or Empathy in your novel. See previous posts for the questions.

Your class voted to watch the Wave, as the reward for catching my errors.

Wednesday and Friday, Dec 6 and 8th 8-2

On Wednesday in English 8-2, I was away, and students were asked to meet in the Library with Mrs. Sharkey.  The class began as normal with DEAR and you were given time to work on week three's booklet assignment.  Then, Lit Circles met for the third time.  After Lit circles, students had a lesson on verb consistency.  You will find a link to Grammar Girl here, if you would like to review some of the rules about tenses.  This cite also has audio, should you learn better by listening. There was also a worksheet that students finished and handed in.

On Friday morning's class after DEAR, and booklet, we corrected the verb consistency sheets.   Then, I introduced the final project to do with our Lit Novels called: "Who's phone is this?"
There will be time next class to finish this project off and make any corrections to your paragraphs - The personal responses to Bullying and/or Empathy in your novels.

Your class voted to DANCE as the reward for catching my errors.

Tuesday and Thursday Dec 5 and 7th English 8-3

On Tuesday, we read our lit books during DEAR and then worked on our week 3 booklet assignment. When we were done we started our personal response paragraph to bullying and/or empathy. The questions were:

How are the characters (a minimum of 2 characters) in your novel affected by bullying?  Which are victims and which are perpetrators?
 How do your characters (a minimum of 2 characters) show empathy? Were they empathetic from the start?  Use examples to support your statements? 

On Thursday, after DEAR and working on our booklets we met for the third time in our Lit Circles. After Lit circles there was time to work on the paragraphs.

We also took a vote on how to spend the reward you all earned for catching my mistakes: the class voted to see the 1980's film, The Wave.

Tuesday and Thursday in English 9-3

On Tuesday, we read our Lit novels and worked on our booklets.  Then, we started the final project  on character called, "Who's Phone is This?"  There was also a two sided sheet where you must describe a character from the novel and one of the problems he/she faces.  Those are due on Tuesday Dec, 12th.

On Thursday, after reading our novels and finishing off our booklets, we went back to work on our character projects.  A few of you even handed them in!! A great use of class time!

We also took a vote on what to do for your reward for catching my mistakes. The vote result was: to watch the 1980's film called, the Wave. (which is not about a Wave)

Thursday, will be the last Lit Circle for most of you and the following Tuesday, for the rest.  Be sure that your booklets are filled out and ready to hand in.  Corrections are also due for you Empathy paragraphs.  Remember all work for me must be in before Christmas break.

Monday, 4 December 2017

Friday and Monday in 8-2 and 8-4 English

Sorry that I did not post on Friday!  On Friday, students were given time to finish up their week 2 and start their week 3 in the Lit Circle booklets.  When they were done we did a gallery activity that got us thinking critically about some of the issues and themes in our novel.  We watched a short documentary on bullying and we also watched Shane Koyczan's spoken word poem, "To this Day," to help frame how bullying affects the victims.

Today, after Lit Circles, we were reminded of the activity we did Friday and now will connect it to a paragraph.  The topics were:

How are the characters in your novel affected by bullying?  Which characters are the victims and which characters are the perpetrators (the bullies).

How do your characters show empathy?  Were they empathetic from the start?  Use examples to support your statements.

Thursday, November 30, English 9-3

Today in English we met for the second time in our Lit Circles.  Two jobs in your booklet should now be complete. When we were done Lit Circles, I went over a new character project that we would be doing in class.  There was not enough time to get started, but I gave the sheets out to students.  Next class we will work on these character sheets.

I have cancelled the group lit Circle project.

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Thursday, November 30, English 8-3

Today in English we met in our Lit Circles.  The week two job, in your booklets, should now be complete and we should be working toward week 3. Some of the discussions had some very interesting elements today. Good Work!

Afterwards we went over the stations we had commented on last week and we prepared for our next paragraph assignment.

Thursday, November 30th Socials 8-4

Everyone has handed in a current Event for Week 3!!!

Today, we reviewed for our Roman and Frank Quiz on Tuesday. It will be a multiple choice and short answer quiz.  It will focus on the Fall of Rome  and the Franks.  Use your sketchnotes and your Cornell notes to study.  If you were away and have a hard time figuring out your notes.  Check pages 11, 21,22, 23 of your Pathways Textbook.

We then did a stations activity on the Celts.  I gave you an organizer and you were to choose four of the eight stations and gather information.  I want your gathered information to become a small assignment.  Check your project sheets for information.

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Wednesday, November 29 English 8-4 and 8-2

Today in English students met in their Lit Circle groups for the second time.  I noted that the discussions today were much more animated because students have now read further in their books. I asked that all paragraphs on "Outrospection" be handed in before next class on Friday.

8-2 worked on a Run-on worksheet which is also due for next class.

Tuesday, November 28 Socials 8-4

In Socials after our Current Events, we did our first Sketchnote. We took notes on the Franks, who conquered much of the Roman province of Gaul (now France) in the late fourth and early fifth centuries. 

English 8-3

In English 8 today we had a rather interesting lesson. After finishing our lit circle reading and booklet writing, we watched two short videos about bullying.  Each of our novels deals with bullying in one form or another.  These videos help flush out our thoughts on what our characters might be experiencing.  We did a gallery walk and we will discuss what we learned next class.  I will include Shane's Koyczan's spoken word poem, "To this day."

Tuesday, Nov 28th English 9-3

In English 9 on Tuesday, we read out lit circle books up to the end of week two and worked on our lit circle booklets. Remember, by Thursdays class your booklet and your book should be up-to-date.

We then re-watched "Outrospection" in order to refresh our memories and then I gave time for everyone to finish off their paragraphs.  Your paragraph should be complete by class on Thursday. 

The previous post in 9-3 has the paragraph questions.

Friday, 24 November 2017

English 8-3

Today, we had time to read out lit books and work on our booklets.  Then we had a quick review of tenses and how to correct them in our writing.  It was a short class today due to passion block.

English 9-3

Today you were given time to read and work on your lit booklets.  Then you were asked to write a paragraph about the short film we saw yesterday called, "Outrospection."

The three questions were:
1. When or where havyou seen or experienced empathy?  Tell me about it.

2. Write a personal response to Outrospection.

3. The author finds empathy not a, "nice, soft, fluffy, social concept," but something powerful and potentially dangerous - "a fuel for revolution of all kinds." Explain.

I will give more time on Tuesday as it was a short class today.

Socials 8-4

Today in Socials we marked out Crash Course in History worksheets. Be sure to keep these for your quiz next Thursday.

Then we learned 5 elements of sketch-noting. We also learned that sketch-noting is more about looking and listening  carefully, than it is about drawing. I am excited to teach you this method of note-taking as way to take large amounts of information and condense it into a useful note.

Thursday, 23 November 2017

English 8-3

Today, the Lit Circles met for the first time.  The first discussions were difficult because the stories haven't really taken off yet.  I would like to remind students that they are being marked on their contributions to lit circles, so it is important that the novels are read and the booklet filled out.

Students finished their paragraphs and they will receive their corrections or mark next class.

Socials 8-4

Today in Social Studies we started with, current events. For current events you need to read an article in the news, and then write a short paragraph about it.  You need to include what news source you got it from, the date of the happening, where it took place, and a short summary of the facts.

 I noted that 6 students did not turn in a current event last week and have asked them to come in at lunch tomorrow for a make-up activity.  If those students read this and put in the comments below what you need for a current event in our Social Studies class, they do not have to come in at lunch Friday. Please include your name. If you do not wish to comment below, send me an email instead.

We then watched, "Crash Course in History," and worked with partners to fill out a worksheet. I have asked that students come up with two good questions that could be used on a quiz.  We will review the sheet and questions tomorrow.

English 9-3

Today, we worked in our Lit circles for the first time.  As a reminder, it is helpful if you have your reading completed and your booklet role filled out, otherwise it can make the discussion very awkward.

We then saw a short clip called Outrospection which discusses empathy and took some notes about Cognitive and Affective empathy. We will continue to discuss this in tomorrows class.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Today, we met in our Lit circles for the first time! The discussions were a little shy and reserved, but I imagine as students get further into their books it will be easier.  Most students said how much they were enjoying the stories.

8-2 Had a chance to finish -up there "Outrospection" paragraphs/ empathy paragraphs. Those of you who are not finished please finish them up in your LA blocks or as homework.

8-4 Had a chance to start their paragraphs. They will be given some time next block to finish them up.

The question:  When or where have you seen or experienced empathy?  Tell me about it.
Write a personal response to,  "Outrospection."

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Social Studies 8-4

Today, I was away. I left instructions for the TOC to work on an in class project on, "the Fall of Rome." I hope it was enjoyable.

Tuesday, Novemeber 21 English 8-3

 Today, I was away and I left instructions for the TOC to give time to read and prepare for  literary circles for Thursday.  The groups will meet every Thursday until winter break. Should you be away on that day due to illness, be sure to contact someone in your group and let them know. Share with them what you can.

I asked that you watch the rest of the short film, "Outrospection" (you will find a link to this film on the previous post) which discussed empathy. There are two kinds of empathy: Affective empathy- a shared emotional response and Cognitive empathy - perspective taking or stepping into the shoes of another.  I asked that students write a paragraph explaining when he/she may have experienced or shown empathy.  I will give time next class for students to either correct completed work or finish off their first drafts.

Tuesday November 21 English 9-3

Today, I was away and I left instructions for the TOC to give time to read and prepare for  literary circles for Thursday.  The groups will meet every Thursday until winter break. Should you be away on that day due to illness, be sure to contact someone in your group and let them know. Share with them what you can.

I asked that students take notes from a PowerPoint on capitalization and then work on a handout.  I hope there was enough time to complete the worksheet.

Monday November 20: 8-2, 8-4

On Monday, we had a chance to read and prepare for our literary circles for Wednesday.  The groups will meet every Wednesday until winter break. Should you be away on that day due to illness, be sure to contact someone in your group and let them know. Share with them what you can.

We then talked about some of topics or issues the lit circle novels may address. Some of the novels are about bullying (viral, rumor, and face-to-face), others address stereotyping, racial divides and struggles for students at home and at school. All of the novels share the theme of empathy in one form or another.

We watched a short film, "Outrospection" and discussed empathy. We learned there are two kinds of empathy: Affective empathy- a shared emotional response and Cognitive empathy - perspective taking or stepping into the shoes of another.  I asked that students write a paragraph explaining when he/she may have experienced or shown empathy.  I will give time next class for students to either correct completed work or finish off their first drafts.

Friday, 17 November 2017

English 8-2 and 8-4

Today, we got our lit circle books. We divided them up over the next four weeks and also divided up roles between each member. Everyone got a chance to read and look through the booklet. It was a short class today because of flex block.

English 8-3

We started class off by going down to the library to get our literary circle books. We then broke out into groups and divided up the book and jobs over the next four weeks.  When we were finished, we started by watching  Outrospection - we only managed 5 minutes and we will continue next Thursday.

Already there were great conversations about empathy. 

November 15 Social Studies 8-4

In Social Studies we stepped back in time, to the Early Middle Ages and the rise and fall of Rome.  It may be the quickest crash course in 500 years of history ever!  We took Cornell notes and if you don't know what those are, go back to the previous post and click on the link and you will get a quick lesson. Students handed their notes in. I have put them in the grade book and they are ready to hand back.

I want to remind students that they are responsible to bring a current event once a week.  I have already had a very disappointing turn-out and 7 students did not turn in a current event for week one!

There will be an extra lunch time project that these students will be required to partake in to make-up their mark in Current Events.  A poor start to the new term!

November 15 , English 9-3

Today we got our literary circle books and met in our lit circles for the first time.  Students worked out the roles of each student over the next 4 weeks of reading.  Students ended the class by starting their new books.

I want you all to keep in mind that all the books chosen have a theme of empathy.  I want you to figure out what the theme the author is communicating with us.  What is the message?

Thursday, 16 November 2017

English 8-2 and 8-4

Literary Groups: English 8-2 and 8-4

I have had to make some adjustments to the lit circles due to availability.  Stay tuned and I will post new books for groups.  I am presently sourcing similar stories or stories by the same authors.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Literary Groups 8-2

If you have any questions about your group please come talk to me and I will try to accommodate your requests. 

Yellow line:  Ben, Tessa, Cadence, Coral-Lee

Sticks and Stones: Kelly, Naomi, Izzi, Xander

Gravity: Emma, Niahm, Alise 

Crossover:  Brittany, Matea, Nima, Myles

Alexandria of Africa: Meagan K, Ashley, Paige, Callum

My Time as Caz Hazard:  Gracey, Tai, Hiro, Jasmine, Drake

Word Nerd:  Stevie, Elijah, Mathew, Kate 

You will be meeting in groups once a week for 1/2 the class. You will be responsible for a group project at the end.

Literary Groups 8-4

If you have any questions about your group please come talk to me and I will try to accommodate your requests. 

Gravity Journal : Maddy, Jordon, and Jenna-May

Truth:  Malayna, Vienna, Tyreen, Junsik

Snitch: Luca, Brendan, Ryan  

Sticks and Stones: Charlie, Theresa, Rafael, and Evan

Word Nerd: Ron, Jack, Gabriel and Austin 

You will be meeting in groups once a week for 1/2 the class. You will be responsible for a group project at the end. 

November 15 8-4 and 8-2 English

We took a book walk through several book choices for our upcoming literary circles.  I ask that you choose three and I will form groups.  I will post the groups in a separate post. Stay tuned!

We then had Ms. Sharkey the librarian for a visit and she had the class do a little quiz to figure out which genre they liked most.  Thank you! Ms Sharkey.

November 14 English 8-3

We took a book walk through several book choices for our upcoming literary circles.  I ask that you choose three and I will form groups.  I will post the groups tomorrow.

We then had Ms. Sharkey the librarian for a visit and she had the class do a little quiz to figure out which genre they liked most.  Thank you! Ms Sharkey.

Nov 14 Social Studies 8-4

In Social Studies we wrapped up the last of the presentations.  It was very enjoyable to hear each one.  Good Work!  For the next few weeks we will step back in time beginning with the Fall of the Roman Empire. We will look at the influence of Religion during the Early Middle Ages with a special focus on Islam. Then we will shift our focus to the competing interest trying to fill the void of the lost empire and end with the Vikings.  There will be a few small projects along the way culminating in a final project that we will focus on for the month of December.

Nov 14 English 9-3

We took a book walk and everyone chose three books that they would like to read for Literary Circles. I will post the groups tomorrow.

Friday, 10 November 2017

English 8-2 and 8-4

Today in English 8-2 and 8-4 students finished off corrections and paragraphs. Good work!

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Socials 8-4

Today we started the Castle presentation. So far they have been very informative and enjoyable. We ate honey cake, heard of terrible torture, learned about medieval weapons and about fashion and roles aristocracy and peasants.  We even got treats for correct answers!  Looking forward to the rest of the presentations on Tuesday.

English 9-3

 This paragraph was due finished or not at the end of class Nov 9, 2017.

Today we read the story "Thank-you. Ma'am" and then worked on a paragraph on theme.  Before we started we talked about the evidence of the theme the author left for the reader.  We came up with several examples.

The question: What is the theme of, "Thank You. Ma'am," by Langston Hughes? What evidence helped you to find it"

English 8-3

Today in English we got caught up on some unfinished work. The students finished off all owing work. Those who finished early went to the library to work on a Remembrance day activity.

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

English 8-2 8-4

Today, I handed back your assignments and you each spent time correcting your paragraphs.  It was hard and sometimes frustrating work but many of you completed the work in the hour.  Great job!  You will receive an improved grade once I've had a chance to read through your work and see that you have applied the corrections.

Tuesday Nov 7, Socials 8-4

Today, in socials we went over current events, while some of you finished off your projects.  We made a project schedule and we will present them tomorrow. I'm looking forward to seeing what you will teach us all.

I showed you how to take Cornell Notes.  This was a little tough for some of you.  We will begin in earnest on Tuesday, next week.

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

English 8-3 David's Haircut

Today, I handed back assignments.  I asked that you correct your work and hand it back into to me to show that you have learned from your mistakes. Most of you finished in class. Thank you!

Then, we wrote on the theme of David Elkes' short story, "David's Haircut."
I offered some prompts to those who felt they required some supports for their writing.  I asked students to use evidence from the story to support their topic sentence.  Most of you completed your paragraphs in class.   You will be given time next class to finish your writing.

When they are graded I will give an opportunity for students to correct their work for an improved grade.

"Mistakes, obviously, show us what needs improving.  Without mistakes, how would we know what we had to work on."     -Peter McWilliam

English 9-3 Theme

Today, many of you received your Visual Stories and your paragraphs on Mr. Beresford back.  I have asked that you make corrections to your work, so that you can learn from your mistakes.  Once you have handed in your corrected work. I will adjust your grade.

Then we talked about theme:

Theme: Life lesson, meaning, moral or message about life or human nature that is communicated by a literary work.
In other words...
Theme is what the story teaches readers.
Theme is not a word, it is a sentence.
You do not have to agree with the theme to identify it.

We then read some sample short stories and searched for the theme in pairs.  Everyone came up with great examples.

Next class we will read a story and write on the theme.

Monday, 6 November 2017

Socials 8-4 Monday November 6, 2017

Your projects are due today.  Please email or share them with me at karawagner5@gmail.com or drop them off in the classroom. Large projects can be left on the back table ( ie poster boards and 3-D projects) all other in the homework in box.  Thank you for getting your work in on time.

Friday, 3 November 2017

English 8-2 & 8-4 Paragraphs on Theme

Today, we wrote on the theme of David Elkes' short story, "David's Haircut."
I offered some prompts to those who felt they required some supports for their writing.  I asked students to use evidence from the story to support their topic sentence.  Most of you completed your paragraphs in class.   You will be given time next class to finish your writing.

When they are graded I will give an opportunity for students to correct their work for an improved grade.

"Mistakes, obviously, show us what needs improving.  Without mistakes, how would we know what we had to work on."     -Peter McWilliam

Socials 8-4 Castle Project

Today, we worked in the library on our Castle Projects.  You all were very focused and got a great deal done.  Good Work!  The projects are due on Monday, November 6, in my classroom. For Large projects, please leave them on the back table.

English 9-3 Paragraph Writing

 Short Story Test- Next Thursday Nov 8, 2017

Today, we wrote a character analysis on Mr. Beresford from Shirley Jackson's short story, "Paranoia."
I offered some prompts to those who felt they required some supports for their writing.  I asked that students use evidence from the story to support their topic sentence.  Most of you completed your paragraphs in class.   Those of you who did not may come in at lunch today to work on them.

I will have them graded by Tuesday and give an opportunity for students to correct their work for an improved grade. 

"Mistakes, obviously, show us what needs improving.  Without mistakes, how would we know what we had to work on."     -Peter McWilliam

English 8-3 Theme

Today, we talked about theme and how to find the theme of a story.
Theme: Life lesson, meaning, moral or message about life or human nature that is communicated by a literary work.
In other words...
Theme is what the story teaches readers.
Theme is not a word, it is a sentence.
You do not have to agree with the theme to identify it.

We then read some sample short stories and searched for the theme in pairs.  Everyone came up with great examples.

Lastly, we read David's Haircut.  This was a chance for you to tryout finding the theme on your own. I asked that you write what you think the themes is at the bottom of your notes.  We will talk about these next time.

* Although there are some notes here, if you were away be sure to photocopy the notes of one of your classmates so that you have a complete copy.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

English 8-4 and 8-2

Today, we talked about theme and how to find the theme of a story.
Theme: Life lesson, meaning, moral or message about life or human nature that is communicated by a literary work.
In other words...
Theme is what the story teaches readers.
Theme is not a word, it is a sentence.
You do not have to agree with the theme to identify it.

We then read some sample short stories and searched for the theme in pairs.  Everyone came up with great examples.

Lastly, we read David's Haircut.  This was a chance for you to tryout finding the theme on your own. I asked that you write what you think the themes is at the bottom of your notes.  We will talk about these next time. 

* Although there are some notes here, if you were away be sure to photocopy the notes of one of your classmates so that you have a complete copy.

English 8-3 Halloween

Visual Stories and Charles paragraphs are due Oct 31, 2017

Today, despite Halloween, we did a little finish up work.  Students finished their paragraphs for Charles and worked on their Visual Stories.  I went over the Rubrics for  paragraph writing and for the visual stories. Next class we will be starting a new story called, David's Haircut by Ken Elkes.  We will focus on theme.  Both the Charles paragraph and Visual Stories should be handed in.

English 9-3 Halloween

 Visual Stories are due Oct 31, 2017

Today was Halloween and everyone was a little distracted.  I told some Urban Legends, which are stories that appear to be true but are not and we reviewed character traits of Mr. Beresford to get us ready for our next class.  We also went over the marking rubrics for paragraphs and sketch-notes.

I gave you time to finish up the Visual Stories that were due today.

Be ready to write a character analysis on Mr. Beresford  next class.

Socials 8-4

Today, we went over the rubric for the castle project.  I will include a photo of the rubric on this blog page.  I also said that next class that students were to come prepared to work on their projects.  All students who come without materials will have a sheet on the Early Middle Ages on Thursday Nov 2, 2017 to complete during class.

We also teamed up and did an Early Middle Ages quiz to see what we knew.

Monday, 30 October 2017

English 8-4 and 8-2

Today your Visual Stories are due.  Thank you to those students that handed their work in on time!
Finish your paragraphs on Charles for next class.

Today, in class we looked at and discussed Rubrics for the Visual Story and the paragraph. I will include a picture of these at the bottom of the post.  I asked you to use the character traits and quotes from last class to help you to write your paragraph today on Charles.

The topic today was characterization.  I asked you to write an aprox, 200w paragraph on the following question:

What are some of the character traits that Laurie/ Charles share. Is Laurie/Charlie a round character?  If so what is your proof?

Please support each statement with evidence from the story.

I asked that you write the paragraph in class and either print it or share it with me on google drive.   Those of you who are not finished, I expect it finished as homework and/ or completed in LA blocks.

The Paragraph Rubric

The Visual Story Rubric

Saturday, 28 October 2017

English 8-2 & 8-4 Characterization and Charles

Your Visual Stories are due at the beginning of class on Monday Oct, 30, 

Today in English we talked about character in the story Charles.  In partners we decided on 4 traits that best characterized Charles/ Laurie.  We then hunted through the story to find quotes that supported those traits.

On Monday we will write a paragraph using these traits and quotes.

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Socials 8-4: Castle Project and Current Events

After a week of settling in, I finally have my blog up and running.

Current Events Assignment: Due every Tuesday and Thursday

In Socials 8-4 I would like each student to bring a current event each day of class.  You should write down where you got it ( the source - global, the globe and mail, the sun, the local or Coast Reporter etc.)You should identify whether or not it is local, national or international news.  You should write a short summary of what you read in your own words in either a paragraph or point form.  I will select some students to read theirs out each class and we will discuss them.  At the moment I want you to  bring them to every Tuesday and Thursday class.  Many of you are forgetting them but remember it is part of you mark, so an effort should be made to complete them.

Castle project:
The castle project is and inquiry project into castles based on the research the students did in Ms Pednauds class. It is Due Nov 6 at the beginning of class.  The students have had an half hour in the library today and most know what they are doing their project on.  They will need to complete a great deal of work at home.

English 9-3: Character Analysis of Paranoid by Shirley Jackson

 Your visual story telling is due Oct 31, 2017

Today, in English 9 we finished reading the short story Paranoid, by Shirley Jackson. With a partner we read through a list of character traits and settled on the best 6-8.  We shared the traits with the class. Some of you added clear support from the story as to why you felt the traits suited Mr Beresford. This is a good skill for when it comes to writing your paragraph.

Next class you will be writing a paragraph using the traits you decided on today and quotes from the text that support those traits.

English 8-3: Characterization and Charles

Your Visual Stories are due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, Oct, 31, 

Today in English we talked about character in the story Charles.  In partners we decided on 4 traits that best characterized Charles/ Laurie.  We then hunted through the story to find quotes that supported those traits.  The last job was to write a paragraph ideally on google drive and share it with me. karawagner5@gmail.com

The topic of the paragraph was:

What are some characteristics of Laurie and Charles? Is Laurie/ Charles a round character what is your proof.
Please use full sentences and use the quotes to support your statements. We will work on them next class as well.

For example:
 Laurie is deceitful because he leads his parents to believe that Charles is the troublemaker in class when it is actually him.  The quote that supports that is, "It was Charles," he said, ""He was fresh.." 
You will need to describe all for traits in this way.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

English 8-2 and 8-4: Characterization in Short Stories

Today, we began class with a little housekeeping. We talked about how things can quickly "snowball" out of control if we do not use our class time wisely. Ms. Pednaud also handed out a progress report so that you know how you are doing in English 8 so far. In English 8 you have two items that should be nearly finished.
  • Visual storytelling assignment: Using words, fonts and symbols you will tell the reader a little about yourself: what you value, what your strengths are, what is important to you and about your family. It is Due at the beginning of class: Monday, October 30, 2017
  • The elevator paragraph: You may still have work due for Ms. Pednaud - please contact her to get it done.
Today, we read the story Charlie and we made notes on characterization.

