This is a place for students, TTOCs and parents to see what our days are like at "Shine-On." I will be posting our day plan and activities, as well as lessons and links to interesting sites.
I hope you will find this helpful.
This blog is designed to allow students and parents access to lesson summaries and course materials for my classes in School District 46, on the Sunshine Coast of B.C., Canada
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
Thursday, 6 June 2019
Spider Humanities, Friday June 6th
All assignments need to be handed in (you have until June 14th to have all your assignments done for this semester)
1. Housekeeping: What is due. Endings and New Beginnings
2. Current Events: How to turn a protest into powerful Change What it is to be an active citizen.
a) What is happening in Germany: Rezo the YouTube Influencer.
b)Green Party makes big gaines in the EU
c) New polls released in Germany shows that Green Party would win if there were and election:
3. Major Themes of this semester. I want you to think critically here and do not mix up theme with topic and search for the deeper meaning of what we have been learning: Form small groups and work together come up with at least three themes. Use my blog to spur your memories.
For example: Not: We learned about Christianity Rather: Learning about religions brings a sense of tolerance rather than fear and misunderstanding.
Not: we learned about the environment Rather: Learning that change happens
through a variety of ways such as
4 Wild Fires Continued
The steps to making a safe campfire.
What is the number *_ _ _ _ _
4, Talking about the Novel - asking some of the important questions
5. Whose Phone is This
Time to work on this project. Will be due next week.
1. Wallpaper: Sketch the character's cell phone Wallpaper choice with coloured pencils/ or a magazine collage of images. Then explain why this image choice would appeal to this character.
2. Email or Text - this character just received two messages. Thinking back over the reading, explain which other characters just sent message to this character and what is the content of each message.
3. Playlist/ Movie/ Series list - Write three song titles with artists names that would likely be on this character's playlist. Be sure to explain your reasoning as to why these three songs would appeal to this character.
ie. "Waiting on the world to change" by John Mayer - Jett has gone through so much in the last few months that he is kind of wishing that the world would stop so he could get off. So, he would want change to happen - he just doesn't realize that he is integral in making change happen.
Homework: Finishing off the phone sheets. Next week we meet with Kaia to celebrate our last day of Spider Classes.
Message from Kara: I am going to miss you all and hope that I will have the lucky opportunity to teach you again.
Friday, 31 May 2019
Spider Humanties, Friday, May 31, 2019
1. Housekeeping
2. Current Events:
3. English Focus:
Starting off:
1. What does consequence mean? Can you explain and give an example?
2. Have you experienced an instance in your life when you needed to pay more attention but didn't? What consequences, did you face as a result?
3. Have you experienced an argument with a friend and/sibling? How did you reconcile?
4. Have you ever had to own something that you have done that was uncomfortable to do?
5. Have you had a moment of courage that you have overcome a huge challenge.
This is a captivating story of betrayal and forgiveness written in free verse.
Ebb & Flow by Heather Smith: Discussion Questions
1. Housekeeping
2. Current Events:
- First 3 minutes: Wildfires in Alberta
- Smoke Season Comes Early to BC
- Do you know the number to call? *_ _ _ _
- Activity on Paper: Fire Succession and Should forest fires be put out?
- Activity: BC Wildfire Prevention Guide
- Mentimeter: Burning Issues
- Isaac's link: World Protest Day September 20th
3. English Focus:
Starting off:
1. What does consequence mean? Can you explain and give an example?
2. Have you experienced an instance in your life when you needed to pay more attention but didn't? What consequences, did you face as a result?
3. Have you experienced an argument with a friend and/sibling? How did you reconcile?
4. Have you ever had to own something that you have done that was uncomfortable to do?
5. Have you had a moment of courage that you have overcome a huge challenge.
This is a captivating story of betrayal and forgiveness written in free verse.
Ebb & Flow by Heather Smith: Discussion Questions
Friday, 24 May 2019
Spider Humanities, Friday May 24, 2019
This means that as a class you have accumulated enough points to have a fun Humanities Day. You have chosen a Pizza Party and a trip to Hackett Park for a game of capture the flag.
Congratulations on all your hard work!!
1. Housekeeping:
My goodness there is a lot of outstanding work! What this tells me is that you are not able to manage your workload on your own and you are requiring me and your parents to step in a make sure it gets done. I will be contacting parents today. First by email. If I have not heard back from parents by the beginning of next week I will phone.
*Important*I want to you to remember, if I have not received work from you, I am unable to assess your work and you won't have met the learning outcomes for this course.
2. REFUGEE PROJECTS are due today! Please be sure to hand them in.
3. The New Novel: Will be handed out today at 12ish. Your job is to read it and be ready for next week. By next Friday, May 31 please be at least halfway and ready to talk with your classmates about what you have read so far.
Friday, 17 May 2019
Spider Humantities, Friday, May 17, 2018
Review and Housekeeping:
1. Plan for next week: Pizzas (3) Who will help pick them up?
2. Novel: next week
3. Where are you in the course? Should be in the have completed 2.1 and 2.2 and be moving on to 2.3 this week.
Taking Action: How does change happen? Partner with a younger student come brainstorm ideas. Think of all the ways that people can change policies, economy, and social norms?

1. Standing Rock: A student speaks.
In April 2016, Standing Rock Sioux elder LaDonna Brave Bull Allard established a camp as a center for cultural preservation and spiritual resistance to the Dakota pipeline; over the summer the camp grew to thousands of people. The protests drew considerable national and international attention and have been said to be "reshaping the national conversation for any environmental project that would cross the Native American land."
๐๐ช๐Two years ago in North Dakota, after months of protest by thousands of indigenous and environmental activists, pipeline opponents celebrated when the Obama administration denied a key permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL).
๐๐๐A few months later, the Trump administration reversed that decision and approved construction. Pipeline opponents worried that a spill from the Dakota Access Pipeline would pollute drinking water for the nearby Standing Rock Sioux reservation.
2. Emma Gonzรกlez on Why This Generation Needs Gun Control
2. Coast Reporter: Mayor Siegers speaks to students at SD46
How can you demonstrate to Mayor Siegers what you are doing for the environment. What changes have you made in your life. What about your ongoing socials projects for change.
3. How to write a letter to your mayor, Darnelda Siegers(, MLA and your MP
Step one: What are my concerns
Step Two: What would I like my government to do?
Step Three: How do I address the mayor"
1. Formal letter style - no slang or kid speak
2. Be polite.
3. Tell them of your concerns and why
4. Tell them of your expectations.
Please hand your letters into the Environment Drop Box on Moodle under Humanities. Also send them to the above government officials.
Homework: Finish off your art projects for to hand in on next Fridays class and your letters I would also like you to work further in your course. You should be finished 2.1, 2.2 and be starting 2.3.
1. Plan for next week: Pizzas (3) Who will help pick them up?
2. Novel: next week
3. Where are you in the course? Should be in the have completed 2.1 and 2.2 and be moving on to 2.3 this week.
Taking Action: How does change happen? Partner with a younger student come brainstorm ideas. Think of all the ways that people can change policies, economy, and social norms?

1. Standing Rock: A student speaks.
In April 2016, Standing Rock Sioux elder LaDonna Brave Bull Allard established a camp as a center for cultural preservation and spiritual resistance to the Dakota pipeline; over the summer the camp grew to thousands of people. The protests drew considerable national and international attention and have been said to be "reshaping the national conversation for any environmental project that would cross the Native American land."
๐๐ช๐Two years ago in North Dakota, after months of protest by thousands of indigenous and environmental activists, pipeline opponents celebrated when the Obama administration denied a key permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL).
๐๐๐A few months later, the Trump administration reversed that decision and approved construction. Pipeline opponents worried that a spill from the Dakota Access Pipeline would pollute drinking water for the nearby Standing Rock Sioux reservation.
2. Emma Gonzรกlez on Why This Generation Needs Gun Control
2. Coast Reporter: Mayor Siegers speaks to students at SD46
How can you demonstrate to Mayor Siegers what you are doing for the environment. What changes have you made in your life. What about your ongoing socials projects for change.
3. How to write a letter to your mayor, Darnelda Siegers(, MLA and your MP
Step one: What are my concerns
Step Two: What would I like my government to do?
Step Three: How do I address the mayor"
1. Formal letter style - no slang or kid speak
2. Be polite.
3. Tell them of your concerns and why
4. Tell them of your expectations.
Please hand your letters into the Environment Drop Box on Moodle under Humanities. Also send them to the above government officials.
Homework: Finish off your art projects for to hand in on next Fridays class and your letters I would also like you to work further in your course. You should be finished 2.1, 2.2 and be starting 2.3.
Friday, 10 May 2019
Spider Humanities May 9th 2019
Friday, May 9th 2019
Finishing up loose ends
1. Reader week in the Netherlands March 9th (passed but still important)
Our next book: Ebb and Flow (will read a little from it today)
Review the last lesson
Explain Cultural Diffusion to your partner and give an example
Explain what is meant by Mechanism of Transfer and give an example
Focus Question: How did Islam Spread so Quickly?
What were its mechanisms of transfer.
Let's look at the Who,What,Where,When of Islam and then especially focus on the why?
1. Trade
2. Conquest
3. It was appealing because it treated people fairly
Focus on Syria: History and Georgraphy of Syria
Focus Question: What is it like to be a Refugee?What kinds of prejudice do Refugees Face?
IKEA: IKEA installs replica of Syrian home inside flagship store
Short film: Girl Brave Rising :
Finishing up loose ends
- Paragraphs marked: Take some time to read my comments and ask questions. I always allow rewrites.
- Be sure that you have now completed the first section of your learning guide and are part way finished the second - I may give time at the end of today for you to work on the course
- Points: 93 plus 1 from Isaac. What would you like? A movie? With a environmental or Islamic plot. Pizza? A beach clean up or forest walk and a picnic? Your ideas
- Let's take a vote: Mentimeter
1. Reader week in the Netherlands March 9th (passed but still important)
Our next book: Ebb and Flow (will read a little from it today)
Review the last lesson
Explain Cultural Diffusion to your partner and give an example
Explain what is meant by Mechanism of Transfer and give an example
Focus Question: How did Islam Spread so Quickly?
What were its mechanisms of transfer.
Let's look at the Who,What,Where,When of Islam and then especially focus on the why?
1. Trade
2. Conquest
3. It was appealing because it treated people fairly
Focus on Syria: History and Georgraphy of Syria
English Focus: The novelFocus Question: What is it like to be a Refugee?What kinds of prejudice do Refugees Face?
IKEA: IKEA installs replica of Syrian home inside flagship store
Short film: Girl Brave Rising :
- important vocabulary to understand: xenophobia, racism, migrant, refugee, persecution, purgatory, Arab Spring
Consider the following quotation from Somali-British poet Warsan Shire
"you have to understand,
no one puts their children in a boat
unless the water is safer than the land."
That line from the poem "Home"
By Somali-British poet Warsan Shire, brings home the stark reality of the horrifying decisions refugee parents must make.
Project: We see how art has been created to express the struggle of millions of people: What kind of art would you use to express your understanding of the plight of a refugee: Drawing? Sketchnoting? Poem? Story? Painting? Stop Motion? Film?
"you have to understand,
no one puts their children in a boat
unless the water is safer than the land."
By Somali-British poet Warsan Shire, brings home the stark reality of the horrifying decisions refugee parents must make.
Project: We see how art has been created to express the struggle of millions of people: What kind of art would you use to express your understanding of the plight of a refugee: Drawing? Sketchnoting? Poem? Story? Painting? Stop Motion? Film?
Friday, 3 May 2019
Spider Humantities: May 3, 2019
Spider Humanities Friday May 3, Points 88
1. Check in about homework: 2 paragraphs due.
2. Moodle: What am I suppose to do and where do I find it?
3. Weekly updates:
4. Today's Plan: Socials focus: 1. current events. 2. Sketch notes
1. Current Events:
Today, we will begin again with the climate in order to have a frame of reference for today's demonstration:
1. Trailer for a Plastic Ocean.
Pair share: Did you learn something new? How do you feel when you see this trailer? What changes does it make you want to do?
2. Life of a Water Bottle.
What do you think is even better than recycling that plastic bottle?
3. What can we do?
Make a pledge to your partner. What change can you live with and are willing to make?
Ready for a quick quiz? Kahoot
Scenerio: You are standing at the protest with your sign and reporter from Global comes up to you and says, "You are going to be on the six o'clock news - Why are here today?"
What will you say?
11:15 Break: 10 minutes. Please be sure you are packed up and ready to go for12:15
Focus Question: Why was Islam able to spread so easily?
Hook: Cultural diffusion: is the process by which an object donor idea from on culture spreads to a different culture.
Examples: Spanish horses to the Americas - Pizza from Italy
Now you: Think of something that might be an example of culture diffusion today: food, song, religion, anything........ talk to your partner
Something that is culturally diffused is transported by some kind of mechanism that causes it move from one place to another the mechanism might be migration, war, technology, conquest
Let's do the first one together and the rest is you:
Let's share our sketch-notes with the group and try to figure out what was the mechanism for ISLAM. Once we figure out the mechanisms. Then we might be able to answer WHY ISLAM SPREAD SO QUICKLY AND EASILY?
1. Check in about homework: 2 paragraphs due.
2. Moodle: What am I suppose to do and where do I find it?
3. Weekly updates:
4. Today's Plan: Socials focus: 1. current events. 2. Sketch notes
1. Current Events:
Today, we will begin again with the climate in order to have a frame of reference for today's demonstration:
1. Trailer for a Plastic Ocean.
Pair share: Did you learn something new? How do you feel when you see this trailer? What changes does it make you want to do?
2. Life of a Water Bottle.
What do you think is even better than recycling that plastic bottle?
3. What can we do?
Make a pledge to your partner. What change can you live with and are willing to make?
Ready for a quick quiz? Kahoot
Scenerio: You are standing at the protest with your sign and reporter from Global comes up to you and says, "You are going to be on the six o'clock news - Why are here today?"
What will you say?
11:15 Break: 10 minutes. Please be sure you are packed up and ready to go for12:15
Focus Question: Why was Islam able to spread so easily?
Hook: Cultural diffusion: is the process by which an object donor idea from on culture spreads to a different culture.
Examples: Spanish horses to the Americas - Pizza from Italy
Now you: Think of something that might be an example of culture diffusion today: food, song, religion, anything........ talk to your partner
Something that is culturally diffused is transported by some kind of mechanism that causes it move from one place to another the mechanism might be migration, war, technology, conquest
Let's do the first one together and the rest is you:
Let's share our sketch-notes with the group and try to figure out what was the mechanism for ISLAM. Once we figure out the mechanisms. Then we might be able to answer WHY ISLAM SPREAD SO QUICKLY AND EASILY?
- Each group will present as best they can their Sketch notes and Islam
Friday, 26 April 2019
Spider Humanities Course, April 25, 2019
Spider Humanities: WELCOME BACK April 25, 2019
Quick back track: the play (theme: transformation of character from selfish to whole), homework, and sketch-notes.
- There are a great many different short videos for you to watch and learn about Climate change and other interesting topics.
- In groups: what are you worries or concerns about climate change?
- TIME TO GET MOVING: Quick skit! What do you think is one of the most important issues? Make it a skit. Humour, news interview, pop star interview.....
- Topics: Seas rising, Climate hotter and colder, migrating people, farming despair, changing animals/birds, garbage patch.....
First Half Lesson Focus:
- Tedex: Refugees.
- Important vocabulary to understand: xenophobia, racism, migrant, refugee, persecution purgatory, Arab Spring
- What would you take? Think of things of value, things of comfort and things of connection/community.
1.Write a well formatted paragraph on answering ONE of the discussion questions on the novel WELCOME TO NOWHERE. When you are finished summit it to the Humanities drop-box on Moodle. Check post from April 5th for paragraph format.
2. Continue to read the online course and watch the videos. Remember to fill out your learning guide as it will be part of your humanities mark. Completed Learning guides will be turned in at the end of May.
Friday, 5 April 2019
Spider Humanities, Friday, April 5, 2019
REMINDER: Paragraphs from the week of March 8th are overdue. Please be sure to get them into me to be marked.
Points today: 62+ 11
Introduction and Review: Welcome back after the break.
1. Who is Greta and why did I bring her up last class?
2. What have you done over the break to reduce your impact on the planet?
3. I have gone plastic free and started a new public Instagram page @needlessandplasticfree
4. 5 pillars of Islam
5. Tell me some of the history you have learned about Islam and Muhammad's life.
6. Next weeks play.
Writing Lesson: How to write a Paragraph
1. Organization: Title, name, date
2. Refer to the name of the book (italicized) and the author.
First Activity:
Islam today: The faith project: Focus and Distraction
Quick review of our articles and sketchnotes:
The first half before the break each group will finish their sketchnotes. Today is last in class day and students will be expected to meet each other outside class time to finish up if class time not enough.
Homework: Students should be sure to complete their paragraphs. I have only received a handful. They finished up the sketch-notes today and a few students are taking theirs home to finish
Please continue to work on the Humanities site at home. I have opened up a little more.
Next week: The Young King By Oscar Wilde Audio version: Link: Young King Synopsis
Points today: 62+ 11
Introduction and Review: Welcome back after the break.
1. Who is Greta and why did I bring her up last class?
2. What have you done over the break to reduce your impact on the planet?
3. I have gone plastic free and started a new public Instagram page @needlessandplasticfree
4. 5 pillars of Islam
- Shahada: Faith.
- Salah: Prayer.
- Zakฤt: Charity.
- Sawm: Fasting.
- Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca.
5. Tell me some of the history you have learned about Islam and Muhammad's life.
6. Next weeks play.
Writing Lesson: How to write a Paragraph
1. Organization: Title, name, date
2. Refer to the name of the book (italicized) and the author.
First Activity:
Islam today: The faith project: Focus and Distraction
Quick review of our articles and sketchnotes:
The first half before the break each group will finish their sketchnotes. Today is last in class day and students will be expected to meet each other outside class time to finish up if class time not enough.
Homework: Students should be sure to complete their paragraphs. I have only received a handful. They finished up the sketch-notes today and a few students are taking theirs home to finish
Please continue to work on the Humanities site at home. I have opened up a little more.
Next week: The Young King By Oscar Wilde Audio version: Link: Young King Synopsis
Friday, 15 March 2019
Spider Humantities, Friday, March 15, 2019
Please hand in your paragraphs for Book One of our Novel
1. There are seven rules of capitalization that we learned last class. What are they?
2. What kinds of supports are available to you when you are writing/editing your work?
3. What are the 5 pillars of Islam?
4. Who remembers what I said about Muhammad last class?
5. Describe some aspects of Islam you already know?
6. Why do we learn about religion?
Current Events: Today students of the world are stepping out to protest the environment because of Greta!
Who is Greta? A Very Brave Greta speaks at UNClimate Conference.
Greta Thunberg
The issue: China will no longer take our Plastic!!
What you can do: Could you go a week without producing Trash
Islam Sketchnotes: Our Sketch-note Project. We worked on these a little more, but will need more time after the break.
1. There are seven rules of capitalization that we learned last class. What are they?
2. What kinds of supports are available to you when you are writing/editing your work?
3. What are the 5 pillars of Islam?
4. Who remembers what I said about Muhammad last class?
5. Describe some aspects of Islam you already know?
6. Why do we learn about religion?
Current Events: Today students of the world are stepping out to protest the environment because of Greta!
Who is Greta? A Very Brave Greta speaks at UNClimate Conference.
Greta Thunberg
The issue: China will no longer take our Plastic!!
What you can do: Could you go a week without producing Trash
Islam Sketchnotes: Our Sketch-note Project. We worked on these a little more, but will need more time after the break.
Finally: Welcome to Nowhere - Hand in your paragraphs and read over the break the rest of the book.
Enjoy your break!!!!
Enjoy your break!!!!
Friday, 8 March 2019
Spider Humanities Course Friday, March 8, 2019
Review: What did we talk about last week? Points today 11 + 40 + 1
- What are the qualities of a civilization? What do you remember from your skits?
- Who can remember the chorus from "History Teachers" parody of Gwen Stefani's"Harajuku Girls" called "Civilization?" What does it tell us?
- Why sketch-note?
- What is culture? What are some of its attributes?
- What is the Canadian culture like?
Tools to use when we write and how editing our work is an important step when writing. You do not have to hand me in handwritten work. It can be done using a word processor.
English Capitalization Rules:
1. Capitalize the first word of a sentence2 . Capitalize names and other proper nouns
3 Don’t capitalize after a colon (usually)
In most cases, you don’t need to capitalize after a colon.
I have one true passion: wombat racing.
There is only one place I want to visit: New York City.
4. Capitalize days, months, and holidays, but not seasons
5. Capitalize most words in titles
6. Capitalize cities, countries, nationalities, and languages
7. Capitalize time periods and events (sometimes)
***** And everyone said, "Give us grammar worksheets Ms. Wagner!" And naturally, I granted their wish and gave them a grammar worksheet on capitalization.
Supports are important and there are many supports available to you.
- dictionary
- spellcheck
- Siri or google: Okay Siri, how do you spell, remember?
- Grammarly and other tools
Why study Religion? Walking, thinking, writing
Islam: The Five Pillars and Introduction.
The Lesson Focus:
Islam in the Medieval Times
1. We read the introduction to the "The Origins and Spread of Islam" (from our History Alive textbook, The Medieval World & Beyond, pp. 74-85) together and I demonstrated how to sketchnote it.
2. History: How did Islam originate and spread? These different topics will be divided into teams of my choosing. You will read the passage together (find the strongest reader or take turns) and then divide the passages up. Decide who will do what. You may use other video's and supports to help you create your sketchnote mosaics.
1. We read the introduction to the "The Origins and Spread of Islam" (from our History Alive textbook, The Medieval World & Beyond, pp. 74-85) together and I demonstrated how to sketchnote it.
2. History: How did Islam originate and spread? These different topics will be divided into teams of my choosing. You will read the passage together (find the strongest reader or take turns) and then divide the passages up. Decide who will do what. You may use other video's and supports to help you create your sketchnote mosaics.
- Arabia in the 6th Century Alex
- Muhammad's Early Life Erin Isaac
- The Call to Prophethood Shavir and Kylie
- Muhammad's Teachings Meet with Rejection Hayliegh and Willow
- From the Migration to Madinah to the End of His Life Evan and Caleb
- The Four Caliphs Kayla and Zeppy
- The Umayyad Dynasty Freya, Quinn
- The Five Pillars: Grace, Keanna, Heather
3. Team Challenge #1:
a. Teams decided upon which sections they would be responsible for sketchnoting.
b. They were each given four cue cards.
c. Key words are to be documented on one side and the sketchnote on the blank side.
d. Next Thursday, the team will assemble the cue cards to create a mosaic of the origins of Islam.
e. You will be marked on the following: your ability to work in a team and take a responsible role to the best of your learning ability, completion of your sketchnote and the quality (neatness, spelling check, capitalization, doodles, sketchnotes, textboxes), your assembly of your mosaic and finally, your presentation.
f . Some examples.
We will continue this work next week. What you can do to prepare? Read your section and know what it is about.
Our Novel: "Welcome to Nowhere" by Elizabeth Laird.
Homework: Read part one of the novel and no more! (Shahvir, I mean you!)๐ In some ways the Hamid family is not that much different from families in the West and the city that Omar calls home has many likenesses to any city in the West. Write a paragraph explaining what you found out about Omar's family and how it might be similar to families living in Canada and explain how Bosra is also similar to one of our Canadian cities.
Tip: Please remember, a paragraph starts with a topic sentence and ends with a conclusion. Please support your statements with evidence and /or an explanation.
To think about: What incites individuals to leave their home? What is the nature of their journey?
Friday, 1 March 2019
Humanities: Project Spider Friday, March 1st 2019
1. Review/ homework hand back. 18+11
Who is Raif Badawi?
Why Sketchnote?
Globe - latitude, longitude
2. Kahoot! Mapping the Middle East!
3.Sketch-notes: Each student presents theirs and tells why they chose to highlight the information they did
Ask students what they think a civilization is. Write down their responses on a sheet of newsprint. Help students arrive at the following conclusions:
The attributes of civilization: stable food supply, water, a system of government, specialized labour and finally, a highly developed culture.
We listened to the "history teachers" parody of Gwen Stefani's"Harajuku Girls" called "civilization." Link here:
We noted that the song reinforced attributes of civilizations including: architecture, super cities,money, art and religions.
Tableau of a wedding. Tableau's of civilization.
Now You! Menitimeter
1. Describe what Canadian culture is to you.
2. How does your heritage/ culture influence or define you?
3. What aspect of Canadian culture do most admire and why?
So now we have an idea about culture and about civilizations: Now lets us look at the culture and civilization of the Middle East.
Walking Charts:
What we know!
What we want to know?
2. Challenge # 4:
a. Teams decided upon which sections they would be responsible for sketchnoting.
b. They were each given four cue cards.
c. Key words are to be documented on one side and the sketchnote on the blank side.
d. On Thursday, the team will assemble the cue cards to create a mosaic of the origins of Islam.
Who is Raif Badawi?
Why Sketchnote?
Globe - latitude, longitude
2. Kahoot! Mapping the Middle East!
3.Sketch-notes: Each student presents theirs and tells why they chose to highlight the information they did
Ask students what they think a civilization is. Write down their responses on a sheet of newsprint. Help students arrive at the following conclusions:
- A civilization is a group of people living and working together for the purpose of creating an organized society.
- People living in civilizations have the ability to use tools, work together cooperatively, and communicate with each other.
- People living in civilizations have the ability to advance culturally and technologically.
The attributes of civilization: stable food supply, water, a system of government, specialized labour and finally, a highly developed culture.
We listened to the "history teachers" parody of Gwen Stefani's"Harajuku Girls" called "civilization." Link here:
We noted that the song reinforced attributes of civilizations including: architecture, super cities,money, art and religions.
Tableau of a wedding. Tableau's of civilization.
Now You! Menitimeter
1. Describe what Canadian culture is to you.
2. How does your heritage/ culture influence or define you?
3. What aspect of Canadian culture do most admire and why?
So now we have an idea about culture and about civilizations: Now lets us look at the culture and civilization of the Middle East.
Walking Charts:
What we know!
What we want to know?
Islam in the Medieval Times
1. We read "The Origins and Spread of Islam" (from our History Alive textbook, The Medieval World & Beyond, pp. 74-85).
How did Islam originate and spread?
1. We read "The Origins and Spread of Islam" (from our History Alive textbook, The Medieval World & Beyond, pp. 74-85).
How did Islam originate and spread?
- Arabia in the 6th Century
- Muhammad's Early Life
- The Call to Prophethood
- Muhammad's Teachings Meet with Rejection
- From the Migration to Madinah to the End of His Life
- The Four Caliphs
- The Umayyad Dynasty
2. Challenge # 4:
a. Teams decided upon which sections they would be responsible for sketchnoting.
b. They were each given four cue cards.
c. Key words are to be documented on one side and the sketchnote on the blank side.
d. On Thursday, the team will assemble the cue cards to create a mosaic of the origins of Islam.
Friday, 22 February 2019
Humanities: Project Spider. Friday, February 21st.
1. Taking the time to Review Last Week.
2. Kahoot! Raif Badwi
- go over answers together.
- Graphic Novel....what did you think about the story of Raif and his family?
How Saudi Arabia propaganda is bashing Canada
a)Ask students to describe the Middle East- make a list. Looking at their map they should decide where there listed features apply. Then students should speculate the types of geographical features that might be present in this region.
b)Look at the images above to evaluate the accuracy of their speculations. (images of Hiafa, The Red Sea, Kackar Mountains and more....
c) As a whole class, students will imagine how such diverse geography might affect the climate, people and way of life in this region. Then, students discuss the nature of stereotypes and the narrowness that preconceived notions impose on understanding of the region.
Images of the Geography of the Middle East: National Geographic.
Kackar Mountains in Black Sea region of Turkey
Around the Nile
- Not a continent. Is considered part of the Asian continent. Sits in the middle of the the African Asian and European continents.
- Geographical Region- got its name in the 20th century from the British replacing the term Far East.
- Muslim majority (Sunni majority and Shia minority) Israel is the only Jewish state
- Euphrates and Tigris River form the fertile crescent were many believe humankind began.
- Strait of Hormuz
4. Sketch noting: Various forms of doodling have all kinds of benefits for our brains. Doodling is actually a form of mnemonics, connecting images with information and significantly increasing our ability to remember what we’ve learned.
5. Sketch note your week of school.
Friday, 8 February 2019
Humanities: Friday, February 7, 2018
1. Game: What do you remember about me? Break into groups of 4 and write down as many things you can remember that I told you.
2. The story of how I clean up and explain to how I teach.
3. Ted talk : "Africa, not a single story.". What single stories might you have held (about a classmate, friend, neighbor, someone in your community? bigger someone in the world.
Current Events: What in the World! Canadian Tweet Stings Saudis
- Read Article together
- Discuss these questions :
- a)What is your understanding of the possible reasons for Saudi Arabia’s anger at Canada’s tweet? Explain.
- b) For what reasons do you agree with the federal government’s handling of the controversy with Saudi Arabia? For what reasons do you disagree? Explain.
- c) If you were Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, how would you have handled this controversy? Explain.
- Watch these clips:
How Saudi Arabia propaganda is bashing Canada
What women can and can’t do under Saudi Arabia's male guardianship system
What single story could we have about Saudi it fair?
Raif Badawi: his story
Now think of some generalizations that you might think are true now that we have done this article.
2. Map in the The Middle East
Your map: Go over instructions
1. Test to see what you know
Friday, 1 February 2019
Humanities, Friday, February 1, 2019
1. Current Events: What are smart phones made of?
Quick Quiz in teams! Answers filled out and can confer with each other (but silently)
Deeper discussion: Secret Life of a smartphone?
How does this topic connect to the previous unit on the environment? How does this impact you
2. Expectations: Who remembers 3 facts that I told you about myself last class. Sitting as a group. Everyone has a chance to speak / Be listened to?
You tell me: Rules around breaks, electronics
3. Lesson Hook: Game
1. Break class up into groups of three or four. At each group, one student is designated to be the “scribe;” he or she will write down the answer that the group as a whole comes up with.
2. Then hold up some common everyday household item. (A favorite item to use is a rotary cheese grater, but you can also use things like an eyeglasses case, a blackboard eraser, a pencil sharpener, and even a shoe.)
3. The groups are then given 3 minutes to think up and write down everything they can imagine using the item for—besides its originally intended function. Encourage them to imagine themselves in different settings: for instance, what could they use the item for if they were out in the wood? If they were 3 feet tall? If they were an ant? If they lived in prehistoric times? If they were with their siblings?
At the conclusion of the three minutes, go around the room and have the students discuss a selection of their favorite answers. If appropriate, ask them to demonstrate how they would use the item in the way they have indicated.
Today we discussed some of the "big ideas" in Socials namely that history is made up of multiple stories and multiple perspectives. We also noted the importance of thinking critically when we study history and view things from all sides. We read the " blind men And the elephant parable" and listened to a Ted talk called, "Africa, not a single story."
1. Big Ideas of Socials

I want you to give these some thought, and come back with some examples of these from your learning in Social Studies this year. Choose just one and tell me which of the Big Ideas it is an example of. For example: for second Big Idea (Physical environment influences the nature of political, social and economic change) Yours studies about the yellow spruce...what did it influence (first nations, loggers, environmental movement.....
2. History is Made up multiple Stories and Perspectives:
There are several historical concepts and perspective is just one of these. The following assignment is going to help you to understand these concepts, while giving me a chance to know you better. We will go over the assignment and if there is enough time you can get started on it here. I want you to treat this like any formal assignment so, hand in a neatly typed or handwritten work, check your spelling, capitals and grammar (full sentences).
Quick Quiz in teams! Answers filled out and can confer with each other (but silently)
Deeper discussion: Secret Life of a smartphone?
How does this topic connect to the previous unit on the environment? How does this impact you
2. Expectations: Who remembers 3 facts that I told you about myself last class. Sitting as a group. Everyone has a chance to speak / Be listened to?
You tell me: Rules around breaks, electronics
3. Lesson Hook: Game
1. Break class up into groups of three or four. At each group, one student is designated to be the “scribe;” he or she will write down the answer that the group as a whole comes up with.
2. Then hold up some common everyday household item. (A favorite item to use is a rotary cheese grater, but you can also use things like an eyeglasses case, a blackboard eraser, a pencil sharpener, and even a shoe.)
3. The groups are then given 3 minutes to think up and write down everything they can imagine using the item for—besides its originally intended function. Encourage them to imagine themselves in different settings: for instance, what could they use the item for if they were out in the wood? If they were 3 feet tall? If they were an ant? If they lived in prehistoric times? If they were with their siblings?
At the conclusion of the three minutes, go around the room and have the students discuss a selection of their favorite answers. If appropriate, ask them to demonstrate how they would use the item in the way they have indicated.
Today we discussed some of the "big ideas" in Socials namely that history is made up of multiple stories and multiple perspectives. We also noted the importance of thinking critically when we study history and view things from all sides. We read the " blind men And the elephant parable" and listened to a Ted talk called, "Africa, not a single story."
1. Big Ideas of Socials

I want you to give these some thought, and come back with some examples of these from your learning in Social Studies this year. Choose just one and tell me which of the Big Ideas it is an example of. For example: for second Big Idea (Physical environment influences the nature of political, social and economic change) Yours studies about the yellow spruce...what did it influence (first nations, loggers, environmental movement.....
2. History is Made up multiple Stories and Perspectives:
- Ted talk : "Africa, not a single story."
- Map of Nigeria:
There are several historical concepts and perspective is just one of these. The following assignment is going to help you to understand these concepts, while giving me a chance to know you better. We will go over the assignment and if there is enough time you can get started on it here. I want you to treat this like any formal assignment so, hand in a neatly typed or handwritten work, check your spelling, capitals and grammar (full sentences).
Thursday, 10 January 2019
Friday, January 11, 2019
Here are some great short films on the environment: I will add a few more later
1. China will no longer take our Plastic!!
2. Some photos to keep you thinking
-These photos will only open if you have a facebook account. They take a moment at it is through the Architecture & Design I did try going to the cite directly and finding them but I couldn't. They are worth it!
3. A Very Brave Greta speaks at UNClimate Conference.
A German cite - behaves like an English one
4. I want your to stop recycling!
5. Going Green Shouldn't be that hard ( American : so important to say we have carbon tax!)
6. Could you go a week without producing Trash
7. Canadian Grocery Chains are slow to tackle the mounting plastic waste
8.The Clean Bin Project Trailer
For You:
Why human's are so bad about thinking about climate change
1. China will no longer take our Plastic!!
2. Some photos to keep you thinking
-These photos will only open if you have a facebook account. They take a moment at it is through the Architecture & Design I did try going to the cite directly and finding them but I couldn't. They are worth it!
3. A Very Brave Greta speaks at UNClimate Conference.
A German cite - behaves like an English one
4. I want your to stop recycling!
5. Going Green Shouldn't be that hard ( American : so important to say we have carbon tax!)
6. Could you go a week without producing Trash
7. Canadian Grocery Chains are slow to tackle the mounting plastic waste
8.The Clean Bin Project Trailer
For You:
Why human's are so bad about thinking about climate change
January 10, 2019
As I was writing the date I almost wrote 2018 and I could image all of you going," Ha! A mistake Ms Wagner - we get a point." As I am now able to be at my computer for short periods (I have herniated my disc), I just wanted to wish you all good-bye and good-luck. So, without further ado:
To all my classes I wish you luck for the rest of the school year and a very wonderful 2019!
I will leave up this blog until the end of the semester for your reference; however, Mr Topping will not be updating it with new class info.
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