Monday, 30 March 2020

Monday, March 30, 2020 - SHINE-ON: The Covid Classroom

Good Morning and Welcome Back!

Parents and students:

These certainly are crazy times and attending school is going to be a bit of an experiment. At the moment, I am deciding on the best platform for our Shine-on class to use and in the next few days, I will be phoning home to discuss with your parents some ideas I have for learning at home.

There are some tools that will be important to get familiar with and one of those is Zoom.  Have you used it yet?  It is a great way for our class to have social time and a chance for each of us to share our ideas and thoughts.  It is important when using Zoom to take turns and so this will be a real test of our listening skills and our patience.  However, it will also be an opportunity for each of us to catch up, EAs too! 

Here is a link to zoom:  Zoom sign-up

ROUTINE:  The most important step you will need to set up this week is a routine. Disruptions to our usual routine can be extremely stressful and so it important to keep a regular schedule even when we are not in school. A regular schedule helps maintain a sense of normalcy and stability.  As a family, it is good to set up a regular weekday schedule including.

  • a regular bedtime, wake-up and mealtimes
  • getting showered, dressed and ready for school (even though you are at home)
  • time for learning
  • time for breaks
  • daily physical activity
  • daily communication with friends and family
Once I have a private learning forum set-up I will try my best to help each of you set up a daily routine with time to learn, time to create, time to exercise and time to read.

I look forward to hearing from each of you.  Please feel free to email me with your questions.  You are welcome to send me a video to let me know how you are doing.

To start today I have two yoga classes that you may like to join:

1. Cosmic yoga: This is a more junior styled class ( TV, TJ and JJ enjoy this yoga)

2. Sunrise yoga: This is a more senior styled class (This would be great for JL, HD, TG, PG, JW)

Do not forget to wash your hands before you leave the house and first thing when you get home:

 Video:  Wash those hands!