1. Review
2. Imperialism notes and Power point
3. Mind Maps:
A Mind Map is a highly effective way of getting information in and out of your brain - it is a creative and logical means of note-taking and note-making that literally "maps out" your ideas.
All Mind Maps have some things in common. They have a natural organizational structure that radiates from the center and use lines, symbols, words, color and images according to simple, brain-friendly concepts. Mind mapping converts a long list of monotonous information into a colorful, memorable and highly organized diagram that works in line with your brain's natural way of doing things.
1. 11 X 17 paper
2. Can be drawn images or photocopies (for those non-drawers)
3. There must be a central image with minimum five topics radiating out from the central image: Use those from the jigsaw: ( be sure to remember the Gorilla and Emily Stowe are not Topics but subtopics: Gorilla's with travel and Emily Stowe with Medicine)
4. Use arrows to radiate out from central image to the topics. Use the pictures and a few words like a trigger to your memory about why these things were significant to the Victorian Era.
5. Look at the photo: to see what you should all be thinking about and use the examples to help. I do not have an example of one that uses photocopied pictures. You will not lose marks for photocopied pictures!
6. Be sure to use different fonts in your titles and subheadings.
7. Rubric Link: Read it through

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