Friday 30 November 2018

Socials 9-2, Friday November 30, 2018

1. Housekeeping: New Cel

2. The Rest of the Film on Queen Victoria

3. Mind Map:

Socials 11, Friday, November 30, 2018

WWII Test: Dec 5, 2018

WWII Inquiry Project and Presentation: Partners Dec 10 and 11

1. Current Events:
                                  Artificial intelligence is fueling the next phase of misinformation
                                  The Deepfake

2.  Rest of the hour preparing Test Questions for Kahoot!

Socials 10, Friday November 30, 2018

1. Review: Holocaust, Japaneses internment

  •  Some ways to make good questions
  •  I will post Kahoot sometime at the weekend.

2. David Suzuki Japanese Internment 11.00 minutes

3. Rest of the hour to work on WWII Test Questions.

Socials 9-3, Thursday, November 29, 2018

1. Review

2. Today, in socials we began by talking about the Victorian Era (1837-1901). Queen Victoria greatly influenced this period and that her influence extended outside of Britain to Canada and the United States.

We then looked at some photos from the Victorian Era and I explained how the Victorians were very sure of themselves and put high value on personal modesty and on gravity. The Queen was a model of her era and that the British saw themselves as the center of the known world.
Victorians believed that they should strive to find the golden mean or golden middle, which is the desirable middle between two extremes, one of excess and the other of deficiency. 

We then watched a  film called the Crystal palace (link here). The palace was built to contain an exhibition similar to a modern day EXPO. The exhibition demonstrated the ingenuity and achievement of the British Empire. The film also discussed how imperialism brought great riches to Britain, as well as, increased its power. We will watch the second half of the clip on Monday.

3. Group Presentations

4. Mind Map

Thursday 29 November 2018

English 9-2, Thursday, November 29, 2018

1. Silent Reading

2. Defining inference:   a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.
synonyms:   deduction, conclusion, reasoning, conjecture, speculation, guess, presumption, assumption, supposition, reckoning, extrapolation

Example 1

You’re about to enter a classroom. It’s 8:57, and there is lots of chatter coming from inside the room.
–> You infer that there’s a 9:00 class that hasn’t started yet.
In this example, we have some basic evidence (the time and the noise), and we can infer that class hasn’t started yet. We can’t be sure that the inference is correct, but it’s reasonable to reach this conclusion anyway.

1. He/she knows every detail of the story.

The omniscient narrator knows everything – even what the characters are thinking and feeling. As such, the readers have more information about what’s going on in the story than the protagonists do themselves.

2. He/she explain instead of suggest.

The omniscient narrator interprets what is happening, makes judgments, and thoroughly analyzes the characters’ actions and behaviors. As a result, not much is left to the readers’ imagination.

3. He/she is reliable.

As the omniscient narrator has access to every detail of the story, his testimony is much more plausible than that of, say, a witness character. This element of reliability can be a good choice for novels set in a fantasy world.

4. He/she can represent the author’s voice.

The omniscient narrator tells the story from the outside. Therefore, he can sometimes be identified with the author, particularly if he makes value judgments or subjective remarks.

5. He/she can jump in time and space.

This type of narrator can move instantly from scene to scene and from setting to setting. He can go back and forth in time and omit unnecessary events.

6. He/she has control over the characters.

The omniscient narrator can control what every character thinks or feels, but this all-knowing capacity prevents the readers from looking at the facts through the hero’s eyes. That is better achieved when the protagonist himself (or herself) narrates the story. I’ll explain this in more detail later on.

3. Working on your packages!

4. Empathy!

Socials 10, Thursday, November 29, 2018

1. Review

2. Current Events:
                                  Artificial intelligence is fueling the next phase of misinformation
                                  The Deepfake

3. Breaking into groups to Create multiple choice questions for WWII Test

Socials 11, Thursday, November 29, 2018

 1. Discuss: What does this poster mean? What are the responsibilities of government and how does change occur? Does this mean we cannot trust government decisions?

2. Current Events: the Guardian Why is populism all the rage?
                                 Artificial intelligence is fueling the next phase of misinformation
                                  The Deepfake

3. Breaking into groups to create multiple choice questions for WWII Test

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Socials 9-2, Wednesday, November 28, 2018

1. Review:  Victorian Era. ... Politics were important to the Victorians; they believed in the perfection of their evolved representative government, and in exporting it throughout the British Empire. This age saw the birth and spread of political movements, most notably socialism, liberalism and organised feminism.

The Industrial Revolution rapidly gained pace during Victoria's reign because of the power of steam. Victorian engineers developed bigger, faster and more powerful machines that could run whole factories. This led to a massive increase in the number of factories (particularly in textile factories or mills).

Lets look at an invention timeline:  Victorian Timeline 

2. Library For our  Group Presentations

3. Mind Maps:
A Mind Map is a highly effective way of getting information in and out of your brain - it is a creative and logical means of note-taking and note-making that literally "maps out" your ideas.
All Mind Maps have some things in common. They have a natural organizational structure that radiates from the center and use lines, symbols, words, color and images according to simple, brain-friendly concepts. Mind mapping converts a long list of monotonous information into a colorful, memorable and highly organized diagram that works in line with your brain's natural way of doing things.

1. 11 X 17 paper
2. Can be drawn images or photocopies (for those non-drawers)
3. There must be a central image with minimum five topics radiating out from the central image: Use those from the jigsaw: ( be sure to remember the Gorilla and Emily Stowe are not Topics but subtopics: Gorilla's with travel and Emily Stowe with Medicine)
4. Use arrows to radiate out from central image to the topics.  Use the pictures and a few words like a trigger to your memory about why these things were significant to the Victorian Era. 
5. Look at the photo: to see what you should all be thinking about and use the examples to help.  I do not have an example of one that uses photocopied pictures. You will not lose marks for photocopied pictures!
6. Be sure to use different fonts in your titles and subheadings.
7. Rubric Link: Read it through

Socials 11, Wednesday, November 28, 2018

WWII Test: Dec 5, 2018

WWII Inquiry Project and Presentation: Partners Dec 10 and 11

1. Review

2. Notes:  Notes on Holocaust

3. Fifth Estate: Japanese Internment

Hanna and Mark: Atomic bomb use in WWII
Finnegan and Ben A: D-Day
Manny and Will: Pearl Harbour
Nevada and Katherine:WWII Spies
Ben F. and Micah: Dunkirk
Lynn and Georgia:  How everyday citizens in Canada, Germany and England managed during the war
Jimi: Italian Campaign
Michaella and Ghem: Battle of Britain
Jessica and Siera: War Propaganda in Canada
Jeremy and Romy:  Canadian Women during WWII
Evan: Japanese Internment camps
Kenzie: Death Camps and internment camps in Germany: Auschwitz and Dachau
Yash : The life and times of Hitler
Gavin: Weaponry

Socials 10, Wednesday,November 28 2018

WWII Test: Dec 5, 2018

WWII Inquiry Project and Presentation: Partners Dec 10 and 11

1. Review: Short class today

2. Notes:  Walking Notes on Holocaust

3. Project topics and work period

Tuesday 27 November 2018

Socials 9-3. Tuesday, November 27. 2018

 We will present our posters to our groups next class.  Please have your poster finished.  If it is not done, it will be homework!  Be sure to bring the finished copy to class. If you are away- you are responsible to bring it the following class.

1. Work Block on your Jigsaw Projects


English 9-2, Tuesday November 27, 2018

1. Reading

2. Time to complete our booklets if we haven't had time

3. Meeting in our Groups:  Discussions

4. Next weeks focus.

Socials 11, Tuesday, November 27, 2018

1. Review and Housekeeping

 2. A note of interest:  Propaganda children to leave the cities in England during the Blitz

Propaganda and children leaving the cities in England

3.  Walking Note Taking!   The War at Home and Japanese Internment Camps

4. Topics for the  Inquiry Project

Socials 10, Tuesday, November 27, 2018

1. Review and Housekeeping

 2. A note of interest:  Propaganda children to leave the cities in England during the Blitz

Propaganda and children leaving the cities in England

3.  Walking Note Taking!   The War at Home and Japanese Internment Camps

4.  Exercise 7 last class time

Friday 23 November 2018

Socials 11, Friday, November 23, 2018

1. Last minutes of the Movie

2. Discusssion: Questions and Discussion topics

3. The Holocaust
Photos of collaborators punished after the War  


Socials 10, Friday, November 23, 2018

1. Review

The Holocaust

Part one Bystanders

Photos of collaborators punished after the War

 Photos of German Civilians confronted with  Nazi Atrocities.

2. Notes

3. Working on worksheets (to be handed in at the end of today)

Socials 9-2, Friday, November 23, 2018

We will present our posters to our groups next class.  Please have your poster finished.  If it is not done, it will be homework!  Be sure to bring the finished copy to class. If you are away- you are responsible to bring it the following class.

1. Review

2. Today, in socials we begin by talking about the Victorian Era (1837-1901). Queen Victoria greatly influenced this period and that her influence extended outside of Britain to Canada and the United States.

Today we looked at some photos from the Victorian Era and I explained how the Victorians were very sure of themselves and put high value on personal modesty and on gravity. The Queen was a model of her era and that the British saw themselves as the center of the known world.
Victorians believed that they should strive to  find the golden mean or golden middle way or is the desirable middle between two extremes, one of excess and the other of deficiency. 

We then watched a  film called the Crystal palace (link here). The palace was built to contain an exhibition similar to a modern day EXPO. The exhibition demonstrated the ingenuity and achievement of the British Empire. The film also discussed how imperialism brought great riches to Britain, as well as, increased its power. We will watch the second half of the clip on Monday.

3. Working on summary 

Thursday 22 November 2018

English 9-2, Thursday, November 22, 2018

1. Silent Reading (your first twenty minutes)

2. Lit Circle: Some time to work on your role
  • Questioner
  • Examiner
3. Working on correcting paragraphs


Socials 9-3, Thursday, Novemeber 22, 2018

1. Review: What do you now know about the Victorian Era.

2. Power Point on Imperialism (2 parts)

3. Jigsaw activity.

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Socials 9-2, Wednesday, November 21, 2018

1. Review: What do you now know about the Victorian Era.

2. Power Point on Imperialism (2 parts)

Notes: Definitions of Imperialism, Capitalism, and Nationalism

3. Jigsaw activity.

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Socials 10, November, Tuesday 20, 2018

1. Review

2. Notes: The Battles of WWII and Canadian Involvement

3. Schindler's List [1:11:23]

Socials 9-3, Tuesday November 20, 2018

Those students who have not yet written their test will leave at the start of class to the CLC.

1. Housekeeping: What now?

2. Today, we will trade in our Pathways text for a Horizons text.  If you forgot to bring you textbook to school last class or you were away, please be sure to drop by the library to exchange it.

3 How to summarize:  Figuring out...What is important.

4. Jigsaw Activity: Groups assigned

English 9-2, Tuesday,November 20, 2018

Those people who were away last class during our book walk will be assigned a book and a group.

1. Review the Roles of  Lit Circle.
  • expectations
  • days we will meet
  • what are you responsible for and what will be graded.
  • Going to the library to sign out the books.

2. Lit Circles:
  • Meet
  • Dividing the book into weeks
  • Divide the roles into week

4. I want you all to keep in mind that all the books I have chosen have a theme of empathy (understanding how another experiences life).  As you are reading, I want you to think about the moral or message of your particular book. How can you link it empathy? 

Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in is someone else's shoes

Groups are as follows:

Pain and Wasting:

Group 1. Jude, Colby, Brett, Matisse
Group2. Madhava, Ella, Theo, Dakota

Out of the Easy:

Group 3: Shane, Katie Cregan, Kylie, Sam
Group 4:  Yasmine, Ezra, Abby, Rylee, Sierra


Pearl, Julian, Evie, Julia
The Boy at the top of the Mountain:

Ira, Lyndsay, Luella, Mitsuo

Monday 19 November 2018

Socials 11, November 19, 2018

1. Review

2. Notes: Continuing on with Battles  and looking at Canadian involvement.

3. Movie: Next segment of Schindler's List (36:55)

I know we would like to say, " Oh, it is just a movie it is not important." However, I disagree. While documentaries and non-fictional accounts may be the most accurate way to understand history, often the best way to capture the true emotional weight of historical events is to portray them dramatically. For centuries humans have been setting their dramas in the past in order to show people how past events shape their lives in the present. And, from the dramas of Shakespeare to the best historical movies of the modern era, most of us feel truly connected to the past by immersing ourselves in fictionalized stories more so than straightforward factual reports.

So...not just a movie and opportunity to live a few hours in the past and experience what may of happened from a bird's eye view.

Social 10, November 19, 2018

1. Review

2. Notes

3. Movie: Schindler's List : another segment. (36:11)

 I know we would like to say, " Oh, it is just a movie it is not important." However, I disagree. While documentaries and non-fictional accounts may be the most accurate way to understand history, often the best way to capture the true emotional weight of historical events is to portray them dramatically. For centuries humans have been setting their dramas in the past in order to show people how past events shape their lives in the present. And, from the dramas of Shakespeare to the best historical movies of the modern era, most of us feel truly connected to the past by immersing ourselves in fictionalized stories more so than straightforward factual reports.

So...not just a movie and opportunity to live a few hours in the past and experience what may of happened from a bird's eye view.

Socials 9-2, Monday, November 19th, 2018

 Please be sure to hand in your Industrial Revolution Notes. They are worth 20% of your grade and so it is important that they are handed in to me ASAP

1. Review

2. Tests handed back

3. Jigsaw project.

Saturday 17 November 2018

English 9 Thursday, Novemeber 15th 2018

1. Silent Reading

2. Book Walk

3. Listing your favorite of the four.

4. Lit circles Next week

Socials 9-3, Thursday, November 15

TEST DAY TODAY! Please be prepared to write the test on Tuesday if you missed test day.

1.  Cellphones in box at the front of the room.  They will not be returned until EVERYONE has finished writing.

2. Those students writing in CLC please take a pencil and eraser and leave phones here.

3. Write your name on the Scantron and on the test.

4. After the test, Read the article and answer the questions.

Good Luck!

Socials 9-2, Friday November 16, 2018

1. Today, we will trade in our Pathways text for a Horizons text.  If you forgot to bring you textbook to school last class or you were away, please be sure to drop by the library to exchange it.

2. Intro to the Victorian Era

3. Jigsaw Activity: Groups assigned

Socials 11, Friday November 17, 2018

1. Review

2. Notes

3. Movie:      Schindler's List

I know we would like to say, " Oh, it is just a movie it is not important." However, I disagree. While documentaries and non-fictional accounts may be the most accurate way to understand history, often the best way to capture the true emotional weight of historical events is to portray them dramatically. For centuries humans have been setting their dramas in the past in order to show people how past events shape their lives in the present. And, from the dramas of Shakespeare to the best historical movies of the modern era, most of us feel truly connected to the past by immersing ourselves in fictionalized stories more so than straightforward factual reports.

So...not just a movie and opportunity to live a few hours in the past and experience what may of happened from a bird's eye view.

Friday 16 November 2018

Socials 10, Friday November 16, 2018

It's Friday!!!

1. Review [ Exercise 5-6 should be finished and if not, it is homework]

2. Notes - The Battles of WWII Exercise 7: you should fill out the So What! as we do notes in class

3. Movie: Let's get a feel for what happening in Nazi Germany

I know we would like to say, " Oh, it is just a movie it is not important." However, I disagree. While documentaries and non-fictional accounts may be the most accurate way to understand history, often the best way to capture the true emotional weight of historical events is to portray them dramatically. For centuries humans have been setting their dramas in the past in order to show people how past events shape their lives in the present. And, from the dramas of Shakespeare to the best historical movies of the modern era, most of us feel truly connected to the past by immersing ourselves in fictionalized stories more so than straightforward factual reports.

So...not just a movie and opportunity to live a few hours in the past and experience what may of happened from a bird's eye view.

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Socials 11, Wednesday, November 14, 2018

1. Review

2. Notes - (there are quite a few)

3. Text/ Questions

4. Canadian Battles of WWII

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Socials 9-2, Wednesday,November 14, 2018

Today is test day! If you are away today please come prepared to write it next class.

1. Some time to review your notes and test a neighbour

2. Cellphones in the  box at the front of the class. You may not have your cellphone back until ALL students have finished writing.

3. Those students who are writing in the CLC will go with Mrs. Morissey.

4. There is a current event sheet with question to do when you have finished your test.


Social Studies 10, November 13, 2018

Today I am away and Mr. Healy will be you teacher today.

1. Current Events:  taking another look at the trade agreement USMCA. Please answer the questions on page 11 (you may work with partners to answer them) and use the Just Talk About It questions to prompt a discussion with your partner.  Be sure to look at the Political Cartoon on the last page.  What do you think the image is trying to say?

2. For the last half of class, use it to finish of your Questions from last class.  If you have completed exercise 5, be sure to start exercise 6.

Have a great day and I will see you all tomorrow.

Socials 11, November 13, 2018

Today I am away and Mr. Healy will be you teacher today.

1. Current Events:  taking another look at the trade agreement USMCA. Please answer the questions on page 11 (you may work with partners to answer them) and use the Just Talk About It questions to prompt a discussion with your partner.  Be sure to look at the Political Cartoon on the last page.  What do you think the image is trying to say?

2. For the last half of class, use it to finish of your Questions from last class.  If you have completed exercise 5, be sure to start exercise 6.

Have a great day and I will see you all tomorrow.

English 9-3, Tuesday, November 13, 2018

I am away today and Mr. Healy will be your teacher.

1. Silent Reading

2. Grammar Sheets

3. Corrects on your paragraphs.

4. Kahoot! Elements of plot.

Socials 9-3, Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Well it seems that I made a mistake.  I said the test was Today but wrote on my blog that it was Thursday.  Therefore, It has been moved to Thursday.  Be sure to come prepared!!! 

 Please help Mr. Healy assemble the desks in a test format.

1. Quick review with a partner.

2. Students who will be writing in the CLC will be asked to go down with Ms. Sabrina

3. Please leave your cellphones at the front of the class in the box provided and turn your notifications off. You may not have your phone back until EVERYONE has finished writing the test.

4. If you finish early, please do the current event worksheet that Mr. Healy will give you

Thursday 8 November 2018

Socials 9-2, Friday, November 9, 2018

Test on WEDNESDAY November 14th, 2018

50 multiple choice and 5 short answer: 1. Identify 2 reasons that explain why the Industrial Revolution took place first in Britain. 
2. Explain, why Workhouses were terrible places.
3. Describe two ways in which the steam engine was essential to industrial expansion.
4. Discuss three important stages in the development of England's transportation system.
5. Describe three World's Worst Jobs during the Industrial Revolution?

 1. Review
2. Preparing for our Test: Kahoot!

Socials 10, November 8, 2018

1. Review

2. Work Block:

a)Leadership Jigsaw : completed (each student with a set of notes)
b) text and questions


Socials 11, November 8, 2018

1. Review

2. Work Block:

a) Leadership Jigsaw: completed (each student with a set of notes)

b) Text and Questions


English 9-2, November 7, 2018

1.  Silent Reading

2. Preparing for out Lit Circles.
  • What are they?
  • What is expected of me?
  • What will I read?
  • What if I am away?
3. What  is reading for you? Mentimeter

4. Writing a paragraph on: Lamb to the Slaughter:  Discussion.

How does the second climax, which is the true climax, and the falling action lead us to the irony of "Lamb to the Slaughter." Explain.

Instructions: You paragraph should be 8 to 11 sentences with a topic sentence, supporting evidence (3) and a conclusion.

Socials 9-3, November 8, 2018

Test on November 15th, 2018

50 multiple choice and 5 short answer:

1. Identify 2 reasons that explain why the Industrial Revolution took place first in Britain. 
2. Explain, why Workhouses were terrible places.
3. Describe two ways in which the steam engine was essential to industrial expansion.
4. Discuss three important stages in the development of England's transportation system.
5. Describe three World's Worst Jobs during the Industrial Revolution?

 1. Review

2. Preparing for our Test: Kahoot!

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Socials 9-2, November 7, 2018

 Test on November 14th, 2018

50 multiple choice and 5 short answer:

1. Identify 2 reasons that explain why the Industrial Revolution took place first in Britain. 
2. Explain, why Workhouses were terrible places.
3. Describe two ways in which the steam engine was essential to industrial expansion.
4. Discuss three important stages in the development of England's transportation system.
5. Describe three World's Worst Jobs during the Industrial Revolution?

Kahoot! Industrial Revolution Test Prep
1. Review

2. Current Events: What will happen in the U.S Election
                                  A divided government

3. Some more horrible jobs:   The Worst Jobs in History: The Industrial Revolution (21:27)

4. Check our answers.

Socials 11, November 6, 2018

1. Review

2. Current Events: What will happen in the U.S Election

3. Let's have our own vote: Mentimeter

4. Notes

5. Questions from the Textbook.

Socials 9, November 6, 2018

1. Review

2.  Current Events: What will happen in the U.S Election

3. Horrible Jobs of the industrial Revolution: Checking answers.

4. Getting ready for our test.

5. Kahoot!

English 9-2, November 6, 2018

 We will focus next class on writing our paragraph for, "Lamb to the Slaughter."

1. Silent reading

2. What is irony?

The irony in the story:                                                                                                Your assignment:

How does the second climax, which is the true climax, and the falling action lead us to the irony of "Lamb to the Slaughter." Explain.

Instructions: You paragraph should be 8 to 11 sentences with a topic sentence, supporting evidence (3) and a conclusion.

Monday 5 November 2018

Socials 10, November 5, 2018

I am away today and you will be going with Ms. Grant to the Library to join Ms. Doerkson's Grade 10 class to learn about Proportional Representation.

Socials 11, November 5, 2018

Good Afternoon Socials 11.  I am away today.  I have left the following work for you to do.

1. Current Events:  This sheet will get us up-to-date for the upcoming Remembrance Day Centenary (read and discuss as a class and answer the questions) .

2. Leader of WWII Jigsaw group work: If you have not had a chance to finish this assignment, please continue working on your leaders of WWII worksheet.  When you are done. Share your work with your group.  If you are stuck on something, and the TTOC cannot help you, wait until tomorrows class, so that I can help you.

3. Questions: I have changed these questions and will be giving them out to students on Thursday, November 8, 2018.

Have a good day and see you tomorrow!

Socials 10, November 6, 2018

1. Review

2. Current Events: What will happen in the U.S Election

This sheet will get us up-to-date for the upcoming Remembrance Day Centenary (read and discuss as a class and answer the questions) .

3. Leader of WWII Jigsaw group work: Continue working on your leaders of WWII worksheet.  When you are done. Share your work with your group. 

4. Questions 15-29 :  We will now start the second set of WWII questions. Use the pages 92- to the end of the chapter. (you may go to CLC to work on these).

Reading Guide Questions for Counterpoints Chapter 4 Pages 92- 98

15. What did the Nazis define as a "Aryans"?

16. How did they view other peoples and those with whom they differed?

17. What were "concentration camps"?

18. What were the "Nuremberg Laws"?

19. What was "Kristallnacht"?

20. What is "persecution"?

21. How did persecution of Jewish people in Germany increase after Kristallnacht?

22. What was the "holocaust"?

23. Who were the "Mac Paps"?

24. Who were the "Nationalists" in the Spanish Civil War?

25. What was the Canadian response to the Spanish Civil War?

26. What countries actively supported Franco and his rebels?

27. Who was Francisco Franco?

28. List some elements that Japan shared with the fascist countries of Europe.

29. What did the groups that took political control of Japan in the 1930s do with their new power? 

Socials 9-2, November 5, 2018

 I am away today, please follow the instructions from the TTOC and enjoy your day.

1.  Current Events:  World War 1 Centenary: Read and discuss (together) and complete the questions.

2. Some more horrible jobs:   The Worst Jobs in History: The Industrial Revolution (21:27)

Use the following Industrial Revolution Sheets to follow along and fill out the blanks:


Friday 2 November 2018

Socials 9-3, Nov 2, 2018

1. Review

2. Finishing off our Horrible Job Sheet: The Worst Jobs in History: The Industrial Revolution

3. Group work: coming up with multiple choice questions for the test.

4. Kahoot: the industrial Revolution

English 9 -2, Friday Nov, 2, 2018

1.  Silent Reading

2.  Fancy Notes: Element of a story

3. Finish Reading of Lamb to the Slaughter

4. Writing:  In order to understand what happens after the climax, one must first be able to pinpoint the point of maximum tension in the story, in the case of "Lamb to the Slaughter," there are in some ways two climaxes, the first is when  Mary clubs her husband to death and the second is when the police officers discover the lamb in the oven.

Paragraph Question 3:

How does the second climax, which is the true climax, and the falling action lead us to the irony of "Lamb to the Slaughter." Explain.

Instructions: You paragraph should be 8 to 11 sentences with a topic sentence, supporting evidence (3) and a conclusion.

Socials 11 Friday, November 2

1. Review

2. Current Events: NAFTA explained with a toy car


 Fill in the blank note sheet to video

4. Where are you on the political spectrum:  Here is a link for you to figure this out.

5. A great link to explain economic and political spectrums

6. Finish your jigsaw on leaders.