Wednesday 28 February 2018

February 28, 2018 Poster Passion

Poster Assignment
Poster Passion

·      Using  Pixlr, Canva, and AdobeSpark (education version)
·      Create 6 posters for 6 different events/issues (Be sure to include the necessary information such as date, time, meeting place or place of event, what to bring (if any)
·      If applicable include requirements.
·      Each poster should have: graphics, text, colour and theme
·      Post these on your Weebly and include a short text outlining each of the desktop publishing pluses and minuses.  You should include, uploading and copying pictures, graphics choices, text and font options, usability (is this program user friendly or complicated), is it drag and drop- how does it work, is it easy to create your own, how are the templates, Colour and use of design)

February 28, 2018 Music Mix and Annoucement with Soundtrack

Sound Projects with Soundtrack
We use Soundtrack to create sound projects.
Here's our list of activities:

  • 15 Minute Music Mix
    Create a 15-minute DJ music mix featuring:
    - at least 10 songs
    - at least 5 additional sound effects (added sound files).
    - The mix must be both saved and exported as an MP3.
    - Mixes must be school appropriate, so any swearing or inappropriate words                                            must be edited, reversed, beeped or otherwise modified.

When you have completed the sound mix:
·      30 second Public Service Announcement (Radio PSA Ad)
·      (special consideration may be made for radio ad for a local company.)
·      Create a short 30-second radio advertisement for either a school-related topic (sports event,
drama, or music concert, holiday celebration….)
-       Exactly 30 second (no more or less)
-       At least 5 well-place sound effects
-       Your voice doing narration

February 28, Law 12 Charter Related Cases

 Presentations Today:  Brandon and Terrance, Sarah and Hannah

Today, we will look at Charter Related Cases in both the text book and online:

These  Charter cases are intended to provide a broad overview of cases that had an impact on Canadian society and helped to build the legal framework for analyzing Charter claims. There are many more cases that have contributed to interpreting and advancing the Charter’s protections.

 Text book pages: 41, 47, 49 (Rodriguez), 50, 51

 Charter Related Cases The top 35

Youth Search and Seizure:

Tuesday 27 February 2018

February 23, Socials 9 The Metis

Homework:  listen to the video below and answer the two questions in a paragraph. The second question is a bonus.  We did this in class for marks.  You must do this as homework if you did not finish it or if you were away.  

Current Events:

1000 dollar bills no longer legal currency ( also  the 500, 25, 2, 1)

This is not a joke: 31 Newfoundlander s' win lottery

Learning about the Metis:

In previous class we briefly discussed that the Metis were people living in the Red River area of the Assiniboine River and Red River and were a people who were raised with both French, European and first Nations Culture.

We are going to listen to the following reading and answer this question:

Which aspects of Metis Life seemed to draw on Native traditions and which seemed to be more European? (3 sentences of Metis and 3 of European - total of 6)

Bonus:  In your opinion  what are some of the difficulties of living with two or more culture? What would the bonuses be? (3 of each)


You will makes notes as Mr Yang is speaking and when he is finished we will quietly think and answer this question.  The bonus question will double your mark.

Tuesday, February 27, Reanaissance Artists and Inventors

The Renaissance lasted about 250 years. It started in Italy, around 1350, and ended around 1600. The word "Renaissance" means rebirth. What was reborn was an interest in learning. For a long time, after the fall of the Roman Empire, there had been little to no interest or time to learn much of anything except how to stay alive in very violent times. Most people had not learned how to read or write. But slowly, people began to want to learn again. This new beginning was called the Renaissance.

When you hear the word “Renaissance Man”, the first name that usually pops up in a person’s head is that of Leonardo da Vinci. Da Vinci is the epitome of the Renaissance humanist ideal. He was not only an outstanding painter, but also an engineer, inventor, scientist, and philosopher.

 Renaissance PowerPoint

(This power point includes: defining Renaissance, Humanism, Artists, Inventors, Playwrights)

History on Renaissance starting at 11:30

Add vocabulary to notes:

Scavenger Hunt through the text: Who discovered and when and why is it important.

After you read Quizlet yourself

Info Tech 10/11/12 SCRATCH TUTORIALS and assignments

Today we start Scratch. Before we start anything I would like you to go through the tutorial. Once you have completed the tutorial you must send a screenshot of the finished product. The tutorial is on the main page and says "TRY IT OUT."

Once you have finished that try out a few games to get an idea of what you'd like to do.

What do you do?
1. Join Scratch
2. Complete the 'TRY IT OUT' tutorial.
3. Play some Scratch games from  the Scratch site.
4. If you decide to do this as a passion project you must first complete the turorials and then you must post your scratch test game to your Weebly.
5. Once you have completed tutorial you are free to make some games or animations.
6.  By Next week I will expect to see at least one finished game by Thursday March 15. Posted to your site. 

The link to Scratch is right here.

Don"t know all what is possible with Scratch watch these two videos:


Some student Projects from 2017: Check them out! 

Monday 26 February 2018

Movie Maker Trailer

Project: Movie Maker

Design a Picture or Video Trailer to a favorite movie or event of your choice (It can be a trailer to your own short movie).

1.Eventually you will design 3 movie trailers of your choice, all of which need to be 3 minutes in duration each.
2.Please consult with Ms. Wagner after each one is complete to see where improvements can be made.
3. You are allowed to use video or picture trailers. Video is preferred.
4. Music in the background will be a good idea (to maximize marks)..
5.Use transitions and when possible.
6.Take pride in your work and be very detail orientated
7. Post assignments to your Weebly or send them to

Thursday 22 February 2018

Info Tech 10/!1/12 Adobe final Project


Your Final Project for Adobe will be to use 6 photos of your own to showcase your learning.
In the photo gallery you will post Before and After shots demonstrating what you have learned. For example using filters, removing and adding to photos, writing, repairing and so forth.

It is your choice what you want to highlight but, in a text box below the photo you will explain what you are highlighting (ie. filters, layers, repairing, etc). This project is worth (30) so be sure you follow the criteria.

Thursday February 21, 2018 Socials 8-2

 All work has been handed in Thank you!

Intro to Renaissance continued:

*Humanism: What is Humanism? How does it differ from the Middle Ages (*hint: theology).

Definition:  As the name suggests humanism is all about the human. It focuses on human beings, their values, abilities, and individual worth, and human society as something valuable that could be improved.  It is the belief that human needs and values are more important than religious beliefs. 
-critical thinking and evidence (rationalism and empiricism) over acceptance of dogma(blind belief) or superstition..An example of humanism is the belief that the person creates their own set of ethics.
Renaissance humanism is the study of classical antiquity, at first in Italy and then spreading across Western Europe in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. 

Renaissance humanism challenged the worldview of the Middle Ages.

* Renaissance Worldview:  What is a worldview, examples?  What is Canada's worldview?  What is your worldview?  Using a graphic organizer compare the worldview of the Renaissance to Canada and yourself.

A worldview is a view of the world, used for living in the world.  A world view is a mental model of reality — a comprehensive framework of ideas & attitudes about the world

A Canadian Worldview?

 Canadian World view?
Air Canada Fly the flag

City State: Italy was not a united country.

During the Renaissance, Italy was a collection of city-states, each with its own ruler—the Pope in Rome, the Medici family in Florence, the Doge in Venice, the Sforza family in Milan, the Este family in Ferrara, etc.

* Map of Renaissance Italy:  Outline and identify the cities of: Florence, Naples, Venice, Rome, Milan and Genoa.

In closing:

Wednesday 21 February 2018

February 22, 2018 Law 12 The Charter Section 8

 Essay :  How does social media interact with the rule of law?

Section 8 of the Charter:  Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.

The purpose of Section 8 is to protect a reasonable expectation of privacy. Simply stated, police and other government agents cannot, without sufficient reason, invade the personal privacy of individuals. What constitutes a 'reasonable' search depends on the surrounding circumstances. In most cases, those who act on behalf of the government, such as police officers, must obtain a pre-authorized search warrant from a judge before they can enter private property to look for or seize items.

Alexi Wood Associate Explains search and seizure.

Case Study of R. v. A.M (may not show)

Prezi on Section 8 of the Charter

Case Study:

Here are so many questions that this case presents:
Does a vice-principal have the same authority as a police officer, that of the right to search a student?
What is more important: the safety of a student or the privacy of a student?
Does a student have a right to privacy concerning the contents of a locker?
Is a report from another student, reasonable grounds to search someone suspected of drug possession?
These and other questions are raised by this case. How do you respond?

An ordering Game

Time to work on Essay or Presentations

February 21, 2018 Socials 9

Selkirk Settlement

Here are some Videos to help us to understand what was going on at Red River and at The Selkerk Settlement

This one is a HBC heritage film (what could be the possible bias from this film)

The People's History use primary sources. Do you know the difference between primary and secondary sources.  If not click here.

The Selkirk Settlement  and the Pemmican Wars also known as the Battle of Seven Oaks. Canada's a Peoples History.

* To further our understanding of what went on and why it is important.

We will finish off our Posters. Add colour and glue them onto the black background. Make sure they meet the criteria laid out on the rubric.
* group evaluation.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018 Infor Tech 9 Scratch

Today we start Scratch. Before we start anything I would like you to go through the tutorial. Once you have completed the tutorial you must send a screenshot of the finished product. The tutorial is on the main page and says "TRY IT OUT."

Once you have finished that try out a few games to get an idea of what you'd like to do.

What do you do?
1. Join Scratch
2. Complete the 'TRY IT OUT' tutorial.
3. Play some Scratch games from  the Scratch site.
4. If you decide to do this as a passion project you must first complete the turorials and then you must post your scratch test game to your Weebly.
5. Once you have completed tutorial you are free to make some games or animations.
6.  By Next week I will expect to see at least one finished game by Thursday March 15. Posted to your site. 

The link to Scratch is right here.

Don"t know all what is possible with Scratch watch these two videos:


Some student Projects from 2017: Check them out! 

Tuesday 20 February 2018

February 20, Law 12

 Thesis statement is now overdue - you risk not getting feedback before the outline is due. The thesis is completion marks.  The Outline is out of  10 and the First draft is (27). The second draft will be an improved mark on the first.

Ethics and Morality

A Video of Interest: Scott-Dani Pappalardo video

Is this an example of empathy - was his empathy  a genuine wish to assist others even if their is no assurance of a benefit for himself?
Is this genetically empathy programmed to ensure the survival of the human species and jumps into action when life is threatened......

Law and Justice
Some More Dilemma's Class discussion.

Are we born Good?
Do we develop empathy?

February 20 2018 Socials 8-2 Renaissance

Japan Student Worksheet and Japan Stations are now Due.  I will pick up Japan Stations today at 4. (there are six outstanding worksheets -if it is YOU make sure YOU hand it in NEXT CLASS.

Review and Getting our house in order.

Intro :Discussion of the Plague(The Black Death was an epidemic which ravaged Europe between 1347 and 1400 )and how it ended the Middle Ages. (notes at top of Boccacio's Decameron)

Excerpt from Boccacio's Decameron to illustrate the hardships experienced by Medieval Europeans.  This will act as both a review and a starting point for our new topic of study.

Boccacio (Buh Kaa chee oh)  Decameron (Dee cam er in) is a primary source.

"Imagine that you lived in Florence, Italy immediately following the Black Death.  You have survived, but many around you have not.  Describe your environment.  How do you feel?"

Pair Share
For some inspiration 

Lesson: Introduction to the Renaissance (Quick intro to Renaissance)

Renaissance is one of the standard stops on any tour through the history of Western Culture.  It encompasses a roughly 300yr period in Europe where architects, poets, and philosophers reconnected with the style and ideas of ancient Greece and Roman Civilizations.

History video intro to the Renaissance 

Monday 19 February 2018

February 19, 2018 Info Tech 10/11/12

We seem to have skipped over one important step in creating our layers with Amber.  The first step is to create a background. Go to layers and press new put in the correct size.  I suggest a regular size office paper which is 22 x 28 cm.  You can adjust this as you like.  Once you have a background, you can lay your layers on it.

I understand it can be a bit frustrating but, troubleshooting is all part of using technology.

February 19, 2018 Law 12

Today is a work and research day.  Thesis statements are due!  Once you have completed your Thesis statement you should begin work on your presentations.  We will be starting presenting these on Thursday.

We will spend the morning in the Library.  It is advised that you use your time well.  Ms. Clark will show you some resources to help you get started.

Dial a law

February 19, Socials 9 HBC vs NWC

1. Review Selkirk Settlement

2. Brief notes to add:        Titled Moving West (notes will be taken in class)

3. Discussion on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Working for HBC and/or NWC

* Work on board

*Handout in class

Newspaper Ad Group Assignments (Max 3 per group):  Newspaper Ads

Watch Selkirk Settlement: Canada People's History Video

Saturday 17 February 2018

February 16, 2018 Socials 9

Today we did an overview of the Fur Trade in Western Canada

We discussed the role of the North West Company.  Then we worked on our handouts.  Many of you are finished your work.  The sheets are now homework.  REMEMBER: The question and answer worksheet will be you assessment for this unit.

Friday 16 February 2018

February 16, 2018 Info-Tech 9

Media and Info- tech 9 - Poster

This introductory assignment is designed for me to see what you can already do / know 

about designing a basic graphics document ( a poster). Using Pixlr, Canva  

(or a graphics program approved by Mr. Wagner) create a poster for  National 

Aborginal Day June 21 or For a local School event such as:

 the running club, table tennis tournament, coding club ** CREATE ONE FROM SCRATCH 


You will be using each application in browser. For Canva you can open, 

select student, skip inviting team, and then create your own at the top right corner. 

Play around with it today and see all that it can do!

For Pixlr I have a video here that you watch: Pixlr tools

Elements to consider:

  • Colour(s)
  • Layout (Where you put things on the page)
  • Clarity - How easy is it to read when walking down the hallway
  • Layering (Objects placed over one another to make it visually stunning)
  • Typography (Font Choice)

Create an eye catching poster that may be put up in our school.

Hand this in by either:
  • Sharing with Mrs. Wagner - 

  • Sending as an attachment - PDF, JPG, etc.


  • Some kind of headline or “call to action”
  • think of the audience - Who do you want to join
  • Where to sign-up or where it's going to be held (get the info)

  • The date.

February 16, 2018 Law 12

The Law & Our World:


Morals, Ethics and the Law:  Notes from Today


February 16, 2018 Info-Tech 10/11/12

 Photoshop Activities and videos:

1. Open up Photoshop on your computers (if it's not on the bottom bar go to applications through finder).

2. Take some time to explore the tools bar and see what they can do.  Use the handout.

3. I want you to use the photos from the link below for each of the activities.
a) Activity 1 use Amber the image of the young Asian girl.
b) Activity 2  use the Canadian Flag
c) Activity 3 use the changing of the guard.
d) Activity 4a use the group shot and 4b use the couple and the little girl in the yellow dress.
e) Activity 5 use photos from the internet (remember that must be credited or free to use)
f) Activity 6 use the various damaged photos to fix
4.  The idea of the activities is to learn different aspects of Photoshop. If you are already experienced and what to try out your own montage please come and talk to me about it.

6.  Go to the OFFICAL NEW BRUNSWICK BBT9 site and watch the video instructions and then use the photos I have given you in the shared folder to try out your new skill.  Upload the finished version onto your Weebly.

This link will take you to a folder containing the pictures you should edit and the assignment I want you all to do.  Copy and paste it if it does not open.

Link is here:

Thursday 15 February 2018

February 15, 2O18 Socials 8-2

 Current Events

Sperm Whale sighting in Alert Bay

One Ring Scam

Japan Review: Now What do you Know  KAHOOT!

1. Finish off Worksheet HERE:  Japan Student Work

2.  Library Stations (Due on Tuesday - I will collect from Ms) Clark

I'm done everything what can I do?

1.  ASSIGNMENT!  We are starting the Renaissance next week and I want you to find 3 facts about the Renaissance that you can share with everyone.  And 3 things that you are wondering about or want to learn more about.

2. Check out the story, "The Cartoon," on page 203 -207 of your text book. Read it with a classmate and discuss the questions at the end.  Setting the mood for the Renaissance!

February 15, 2018, Law !2

A sad day for many today and a time to reflect especially as we focus on the Charter and debate and discuss the many highly controversial issues it encompasses. 

Scavenger Hunt and Notes

Wednesday 14 February 2018

February 14, Socials 9

Current Events

Coulten Boushie and the Justice System

"One Ring Scam"

Imperialism:  Imperialism is an action that involves a nation extending its power by the acquisition of inhabited territory. It may also include the exploitation of these territories, an action that is linked to colonialism.

What's on discussion:

North West Company

Lord Selkirk and the Selkirk settlement

Time to work on our sheets.

Februrary 14, 2018 Info- Tech 9

What Makes a Good Webpage

  • Clean, simple design
  • Uncluttered
  • Short, descriptive headings
  • Loads quickly
  • Use standard, rather than the offbeat
Good Organization
  • Easy to navigate
  • Logical placement of key information
  • Don't make viewers think
  • Short page length
  • Tells viewers what's on the page, and where to find it
  • Quick easy return to homepage
  • Effective use of headers and subheaders
Visual Attractiveness
  • Not flashy or gimmicky
  • Good use of colour and contrast
  • Appropriate fonts (colour, style, and size)
  • Good backgrounds
Know Your Audience
  • Be aware of who your target market is
  • Know the purpose of the site, and meet its goals
  • Make the viewer want to come back
Things To Avoid
  • Flashy graphics and animations
  • Busy, cluttered backgrounds
  • Long loading times (keep files and pages small)
  • Poor spelling and grammar
  • Clashing colours and contrasts

Webpages That Suck

Webpages that Don't Suck (as badly, anyway, but why exactly?)

Special thanks and acknowledgment to

February 14, 2018 Info Tech 9

Create another standard page and call it assignments. When you have done that create your own GIF (MEME).  Here are the instructions and some student GIF from previous years.  Good Luck and have fun with these!!!

You will be creating a GIF(MEME) using a series of pictures. It is fairly simple procedure and thus allows a lot of room for creativity. I hope you all have fun creating this.

What you need to do
1. Take a series of pictures using the ipads or your cellphone (one shot after another to create movement).
2. Upload the pictures onto your computer either by email or by connecting the ipad to a usb port to upload them onto the computer
3. Go to imigflip here to create your own Gif.
4. Once you have uploaded them to imiflip play around with the speed and size. Also feel free to add text.
5. Click "Generate Gif" (Blue Button).
6. copy the HTML address and past it into your weebly using add a the link on the build page.

Remember you can play with the speed etc. Take your time with this and get creative.

When you are are finished:  Here is the classroom code for Code Combat :  PlayOnlyBest

OR you can use the class url:

Info-Tech 10/11/12

Lots to work on:

1. Web critique is due on Friday (worth 20 marks)

2. Code Academy (keeping track of each level you complete)

3. Be sure your assignments page is up-to-date.

February 14, Law 12 Charter of Rights Assignment

Happy Valentine's Day

More on Coulten Boushie UofT

Today we will look more in depth at the Justice System and the reasons for the Charter.

Discussion of Burden of Proof - R v Oakes, 1986 CanLII 46 (S.C.C)

1. Can anyone give me a historical example where dispute was settled fairly?

2. Can anyone give an example of injustice they have witnessed?

3. How can we promote fairness?

Justice Canada historical perspective


Charter handout.

Time to research for your Essay.  You will be assigned a Charter of Rights.

Here is a good starting point:  TheCanadaguide
Here is the government site:     Justice -Charter Rights

Charter cases: Charter Related Cases

Tuesday 13 February 2018

February 13, 2018 Socials 8

Today we will begin with current events.  A quick look as to what is going on in our community, our city and the nation.

Coast Reporter:   Homeless Shelter

BC news:   Alberta Boycott

National news: Jury selection must change says Justic Minister Wilson Raybould

Then we will work on our assignment and focus on finishing of our sheets.  If you are finished early, you may go to the library and do a little station work.

Stations will continue on Thursday:

A= 12 stations
B = 10 stations
C+= 8 stations
C= 6 stations

Nothing below 5

Stations are available before and after school.

February 13, Info- Tech Assignment Page

Part 1: Website Analysis & Critique
Today, we discussed many of the qualities that make a "good" webpage or website. Now it is time to put that talk to the test.

Most of us have a lot of experience surfing the web, and have developed some really strong opinions of what we like and don't like about the pages we spend time viewing. Your task in this assignment is to discuss specific examples of websites that you are already familiar with that you would define as being either effective or ineffective. You must choose and analyze two good websites, and two bad websites.  From those 4 websites, you will discuss one site that you deem to be a "great" site and and one example of a "bad" site that you believe leaves much to be desired and needs a complete over haul.

You will have until Friday to complete this assignment.

For each site
  • Record the URL of the web site being reviewed
  • Include a link to the actual site that opens in a new window
  • Include screenshots of the most undesirable elements or components
  • Provide a detailed written analysis that clearly indicates what you appreciate and / or don't like about the site.
    • Even for your effective or good site, there will likely be areas for improvement that you can suggest to make the site even better
    • For your ineffective or bad site, be sure to make some suggestions as to how the site could be improved.
  • When writing your analysis, be sure to discuss or include specific comments from the areas outlined below.
  • Do this project in word and load it into a Scribd.
  • Remember, your discussion is not limited to these suggestions. There are probably lots of things you can discuss that aren't listed here.
Here are some areas and questions to ask if you are stumped.  You do not have to do all of them!

    Content Aspects
    • Provide an overview or summary of the content of the site.
    • Identify the specific purpose(s) of the site (educating users, providing news, corporate image branding, s etc.). 
    • Identify the target audience or market.
    • Is the site "oozing" with great content for their target audience? Or does it include very little information and just provide users with a lot of pretty pictures, fun distractions, and / or a bunch of links to other sites?
    • Is the content full of information that is useful, helpful, relevant, and interesting? Or is it useless and trivial?
    • Is there effective use of headers, subheaders, and captions? Are they descriptive?
    • Does the site include multimedia elements? Or does it rely solely on text and graphics? Is there a balance between text, graphic, and multimedia elements? Or is the site text or graphic heavy? 
    • Is all of the content relevant to the site or does it distract the user from the real purpose (i.e. games and animation that act as fluff pieces that entertain rather than add meat to the content, animations and graphics are unrelated to the content)
    • What is the level of interactivity? Are there links, videos to watch, music or sound to listen to? Forms or surveys to complete? Forums or Blogs to participate in? Social networking components?
    • Is older content archived?
    • Multimedia components? Present? Useful? Distracting?
    • What qualities make the viewer likely or unlikely to revisit the site at a later date - Does the site leave you or anyone wanting to come back again?
    Design Aspects (Layout / Interactivity / Navigation)
    • Discuss the visual appeal or attractiveness.
    • Discuss the organization or placement of various elements.
      • Is there simplicity or complexity of design? 
      • Is the site overcrowded or too empty?
      • Is the organization logical, or are content elements thrown randomly all over the place?
      • Is the design linear (all vertical down the page), or does the designer make use of tables, forms, CSS, and / or text-wrap to make the layout more complex?
    • What is the readability factor?
    • Analyze the use of color, backgrounds, and font choices (face, style, size).
    • Does the site have a consistent feel and appearance or does it feel piecemeal constructed? Be sure to discuss the consistency or repetition of design elements throughout a page and throughout multiple pages of the site. 
    • Analyze the various navigation systems within the site:
      • What navigation systems or methods are used and where are they located? (Menu bars, drop-down menus, hypertext links throughout the document, icons, photos or graphics, lists of links)
      • Does the home page establish the basic navigation methods? And are the navigation methods consistent and in similar locations throughout the site?
      • Discuss the ease with which viewer can find and navigate to specific content.
      • Is the site too deep? (Too many clicks to get to the desired information)
      • Are places viewers are to click obvious? Or is navigation a mystery? Can viewer easily identify which text or graphics are clickable?
      • Does the site let you leave when you click the BACK button? Some sites keep hanging onto you and stopping you at their home page when you click the back button, or they redirect the viewer to another site or trap visitors in a endless loop of popup windows.
      • Is a "Home" icon, button or link present in the same position on every page in the site?
      • Is mouse over used to indicate which navigation button you select?
      • What type of hyper-links are used:  internal (to pages within the site), external (to other websites), and relative links (to different parts or sections within a single longer page)?

    Technical Aspects
    • Discuss the URL in terms of its appropriateness for the website.
    • Look at the source code. Is it clearly organized? Are there comments to identify the purpose of specific areas of code? 
    • Are meta tags and descriptors included that can be used by search engines to find the page more easily?
    • Are there any obvious spelling and grammar errors (Try pasting some of the text into Microsoft Word and use its Spelling and Grammar Readability Tools to evaluate the text)
    • Discuss the presence of  broken graphics, broken links (404 Error).
    • Is the site easy to find if you do not already have the URL? (Maybe do a google check with partial names or various descriptors)
    • Does the site require Flash, Shockwave, Adobe Acrobat, Quicktime, or other viewers or plug-ins that could prevent visitors from viewing or listening to the content if they do not have the required viewers/plug-ins installed.
    • Can the site or content still be viewed in a limited manner without the plug-ins?
    • Are links provided to obtain the plug-ins / viewers from?
    • Review the website with popular browsers (IE, Safari, Firefox, Opera), both recent and earlier versions. Make notes of any "browser specific" problems (problems specific to a single browser or a single version of a browser) during the review.

    (Special thanks to Polson Industries, and their website review procedures: )

    February 13, Info-Tech 10/11/12

    What Makes a Good Webpage

    • Clean, simple design
    • Uncluttered
    • Short, descriptive headings
    • Loads quickly
    • Use standard, rather than the offbeat
    Good Organization
    • Easy to navigate
    • Logical placement of key information
    • Don't make viewers think
    • Short page length
    • Tells viewers what's on the page, and where to find it
    • Quick easy return to homepage
    • Effective use of headers and subheaders
    Visual Attractiveness
    • Not flashy or gimmicky
    • Good use of colour and contrast
    • Appropriate fonts (colour, style, and size)
    • Good backgrounds
    Know Your Audience
    • Be aware of who your target market is
    • Know the purpose of the site, and meet its goals
    • Make the viewer want to come back
    Things To Avoid
    • Flashy graphics and animations
    • Busy, cluttered backgrounds
    • Long loading times (keep files and pages small)
    • Poor spelling and grammar
    • Clashing colours and contrasts

    Webpages That Suck

    Webpages that Don't Suck (as badly, anyway, but why exactly?)

    Special thanks and acknowledgment to