Tuesday 20 February 2018

February 20 2018 Socials 8-2 Renaissance

Japan Student Worksheet and Japan Stations are now Due.  I will pick up Japan Stations today at 4. (there are six outstanding worksheets -if it is YOU make sure YOU hand it in NEXT CLASS.

Review and Getting our house in order.

Intro :Discussion of the Plague(The Black Death was an epidemic which ravaged Europe between 1347 and 1400 )and how it ended the Middle Ages. (notes at top of Boccacio's Decameron)

Excerpt from Boccacio's Decameron to illustrate the hardships experienced by Medieval Europeans.  This will act as both a review and a starting point for our new topic of study.

Boccacio (Buh Kaa chee oh)  Decameron (Dee cam er in) is a primary source.

"Imagine that you lived in Florence, Italy immediately following the Black Death.  You have survived, but many around you have not.  Describe your environment.  How do you feel?"

Pair Share
For some inspiration 

Lesson: Introduction to the Renaissance (Quick intro to Renaissance)

Renaissance is one of the standard stops on any tour through the history of Western Culture.  It encompasses a roughly 300yr period in Europe where architects, poets, and philosophers reconnected with the style and ideas of ancient Greece and Roman Civilizations.

History video intro to the Renaissance 

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