Friday 31 October 2014

Friday, October 31st English 10

Happy Halloween! We watched Smoke Signals  in English today. Please be sure to finish your cautionary tales for Monday.

Thursday 30 October 2014

Thursday, Oct 30 8-3

Today we wrote a Quiz in socials for the first 20 minutes.  Then, we worked on our Rome paragraphs.

I have asked the students to open a gmail account so that they can use Google Drive for assignments.  Google Drive is an online word program that allows students access to their work on multiple computers including their computer at home.  Furthermore, the document can be shared with a teacher and the teacher can comment.

In group 8-3, I issued a study guide for the next section of the chapter on the Franks. 

Thursday, October 30 English 10

Today in English I asked students to comment on the comments I have made on their essays. The reason for this is so students can internalize what they need to do to improve their writing. At the end of class students were able to see their grades for the last two assignments.

We continued our study of myths and tried to image who the Raven, of First Nations myths, would be in modern movies or novels. We created a large list. We then wondered how the trickster Raven would look as an internal conflict. We were left to ponder this.

I gave time for students to work on their cautionary tale.

Thursday, Socials 10-4

Today in Socials 10-4 we talked about Push and Pull factors.  To make it relative, we discussed the reasons why someone would choose to move to the Sunshine Coast.  We found there were several aspects that pulled people to move here as well as others that pushed them to leave.  The students felt that the Coast did not offer a lot of opportunity for youth which we decided was a push factor.

We then looked at push-pull factors for Vancouver and Canada.  Finally we discussed what were the attractions (pull factors) for those people living in the early 1800 to come to Canada and what may have been the push factors. We watched a power point on the first wave of Canadian immigration and took notes. We also did a short worksheet in groups in order to familiarize ourselves with Upper and Lower Canada during the early 19th century. We  had a chance to work on their sketchnotes.

Sketchnotes are due  Tuesday, Nov 4

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Wednesday, Socials 10-2

Today in Socials 10-2 we talked about Push and Pull factors.  To make it relative, we discussed the reasons why someone would choose to move to the Sunshine Coast.  We found there were several aspects that pulled people to move here as well as others that pushed them to leave.  The students felt that the Coast did not offer a lot of opportunity for youth which we decided was a push factor.

We then looked at push-pull factors for Vancouver and Canada.  Finally we discussed what were the attractions (pull factors) for those people living in the early 1800 to come to Canada and what may have been the push factors. We watched a power point on the first wave of Canadian immigration and took notes.  The students then had a chance to work on their sketchnotes.

Sketchnotes are due Monday, Nov 3.

English 10

Today in English we defined allegory, parable, fable and myth.  We then focused on myths and their purpose in First Nation's Culture. We discovered that Myths are used to instruct. We then considered what this might look like today.  We watch a short clip called, live life the real way, (find the link here).

I then asked you to work on your  a cautionary poem or story, addressed to your generation (or younger generation). We will continue with this exploration tomorrow.

Wednesday, Socials 8-1 8-2

Today we wrote a Quiz in socials for the first 20 minutes.  Then, we worked on our Rome paragraphs.

I have asked the students to open a gmail account so that they can use Google Drive for assignments.  Google Drive is an online word program that allows students access to their work on multiple computers including their computer at home.  Furthermore, the document can be shared with a teacher and the teacher can comment.

In group 8-2 (c block) I issued a study guide for the next section of the chapter on the Franks.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Grade 8-3 Tuesday

Today we had a lesson on paragraph writing.  We reviewed the elements of a paragraph and then practiced writing topic sentences.  We ended by revisiting the seven reasons listed in the text on page 11, and used them to write our own paragraph.   If you did not get your paragraph done it is homework. Here are the board notes:

Socials 10 Tuesday

Today in Socials we discussed Upper and Lower Canada and the reasons why Canada was attractive to immigrants.We discussed how the early population mimicked Britain. We discovered that the government was top down rather than bottom up and was considered an oligarchy. We learned about the Family Compact and the Château Clique. We then spent a little time on sketchnoting. Project is due Tuesday, Nov 4.

English, Tuesday October 28

Today Tami visited our classroom and helped us to get focused around the values we constructed as a class.  She talked about the importance of understanding the reconciliation process. She explained that the First Nations feel that it is the eighth fire, the eighth generation, of First Nations peoples who will have recovered from the impact of colonization. It was a reminder to remain empathetic and refrain from judgement. Tomorrow we will look the role of Myths in First Nations literature.

Those of you who have not handed in your midterm- tomorrow!

Monday 27 October 2014

Monday, Oct 27

Today in Socials we discussed Upper and Lower Canada and the reasons why Canada was attractive to immigrants.We discussed how the early population mimicked Britain. We discovered that the government was top down rather than bottom up and was considered an oligarchy. We learned about the Family Compact and the Château Clique. We then spent a little time on sketchnoting. Project is due Monday, Nov 3.

Socials 8-1 and 8-2 October 27

Today we had a lesson on paragraph writing.  We reviewed the elements of a paragraph and then practiced writing topic sentences.  We ended by revisiting the seven reasons listed in the text on page 11, and used them to write our own paragraph.  Group 8-1 only managed time for notes as we had a series of computer problems. Here are the board notes:

English Monday, October 27

Today we wrote our in class essay. Everyone worked hard for the whole hour. Those of you who finished early, I asked you to check out Project of Heart -step one (Find link here )and look a the research links at the bottom of the page. Good work today - Thank you!

Thursday 23 October 2014

Thursdays Socials 10-4

Today we looked at some photos from the Victorian Era and I explained how the Victorians were very sure of themselves and put high value on personal modesty and on gravity. I also discussed how the Queen was a model of her era and that the British saw themselves as the center of the known world. 

We then watched a  film called the Crystal palace (link here). The palace was built to contain an exhibition similar to a modern day EXPO. The exhibition demonstrated the ingenuity and achievement of the British Empire. The film also discussed how imperialism brought great riches to Britain, as well as, increased its power. We will watch the second half of the clip on Tuesday.

I gave you notes on the film so that you would have plenty of information for your sketchnote. You were then given some time to decide on your layout and topic focus. Due date and Rubric given next week.

Your first assignment :

Thursday Social 8-3

Today in Socials, after watching a short clip from Gladiators the movie  (link is here), we tried to image how it might have been for those soldiers defending the borders of the failing Empire. We imagined that they would need to get messages to Rome, but communication would have been difficult due to Barbarian attacks, spies, terrain, weather and lack of communication technology. We then worked in groups experiencing different scenarios which we shared with the class.  The class was a buzz of activity! Nice Work!

Essay Changes for Monday

Today, was a little unusual.  We began the lesson with a short story read by Mr. Davis called, Tony Toenails.  It is a quirky tale about a man with a very indigestible habit.

We were all rather distracted. Firstly, there was the impending eclipse of the moon at 2:25 and secondly, there will be a Pro-D day tomorrow. As we prepared to learn how to write an essay, the time was short and the attention scattered.

We worked on a thesis statement together which we came to realize did not work well for all three stories. Below you will find the revised prompt and the revised thesis statement that will be used for Monday's class.

The writing prompt can be used as your introductory statement if you write an essay.  If you write a creative or personal piece it will be used as a springboard from which your ideas will flow.

The writing prompt:

Symbolism is a powerful tool to convey abstract meaning.

The thesis statement you will use is as follows:

 In the three aboriginal stories, Green World, Scars, and Borders, symbolism is used effectively to convey theme.

It will be an open book essay, which means that you can use all your notes on symbolism.  You will need to find evidence of symbolism in the text and use it to support your statements. You will have the full class to write your essay, personal piece, or story if needed. Good luck!

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Wednesday's Socials Class 10-2

Today we looked at some photos from the Victorian Era and I explained how the Victorians were very sure of themselves and put high value on personal modesty and on gravity. I also discussed how the Queen was a model of her era and that the British saw themselves as the center of the known world.

We then watched a  film called the Crystal palace (link here). The palace was built to contain an exhibition similar to a modern day EXPO. The exhibition demonstrated the ingenuity and achievement of the British Empire. The film also discussed how imperialism brought great riches to Britain, as well as, increased its power.

I gave you notes on the film so that you would have plenty of information for your sketchnote.

Your first assignment :

Wednesday Socials Class 8-1, 8-2

Today in Socials, after watching a short clip from Gladiators the movie  (link is here), we tried to image how it might have been for those soldiers defending the borders of the failing Empire. We imagined that they would need to get messages to Rome, but communication would have been difficult due to Barbarian attacks, spies, terrain, weather and lack of communication technology. We then worked in groups experiencing different scenarios which we shared with the class.  The class was a buzz of activity! Nice Work!


English students went to CAP today. Essay prep has been moved to tomorrow's class. The essay has been moved to Monday.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

In English today we compared elements of the three short stories we have been reading.  We noted  that the "struggle for identity" was a shared theme.  I then asked you to write a comparison of the shared theme, giving evidence and examples from each story.

Finish your comparisons for next class.

Tuesdays Social 10-4 Class

Today, in socials we started by talking about the Victorian Era. We noted that Queen Victoria greatly influenced this period and that her influence extended outside of Britain to Canada and the United States.

We then switched gears and learned a skill called sketch-noting, which is a form of visual note taking. It can be used to think more deeply about what we have read and as a tool to remember significant details. Instead of basic note taking, sketch-noting requires us to use higher order thinking and analysis to synthesize  information into an image.

We looked at different narratives, text boxes, types of font and images to help emphasize our work. To try out our new skill, we started a quick sketchnote of " how we get to school ."

Home work:  read pages 59-63. Make notes under each heading.

Tuesday Socials 8-3

Today we reviewed what we know and what we learned about the Roman Empire.  We also came up with some wonders? For example, I wonder what motivated the Barbarians to conquer Rome?

We also looked at the nine different reasons of why Rome fell and we decided whether or  not the forces were External (coming outside the Empire) or Internal (coming from inside of the Empire). We then watched John Green's version of why Rome fell.  See link here. 

Please comment here what you wondered and what you learned watching the short clips.

Monday 20 October 2014

Today in English we read Thomas King's short story, Borders. We analyzed the text for theme, symbolism and conflict. We were then asked to organize our notes, so we will be ready to write our comparisons next class.

No homework.

Monday's class

Today's class we tried our had at "expert groups." The class broke out into groups of four and each group looked at how a specific religion was crucial in the reshaping of Europe. We were then asked to make summaries and present them. The summaries were very succinct and clear. Only group 8-1 had time to present their work. We will use our summaries when we decide what topic we would like to write about next class.

There is no homework

Socials 8-1 and 8-2 Friday's class

In Socials today we looked at seven reasons why the Roman Empire fell. We then summarized the reasons and decided whether or not they were, external forces (coming from outside the Empire) or internal forces (coming from inside the Empire).  We discovered that some of the factors were both external and internal. We finished off the day with Tableaus. 

There is no homework!
Today, in Socials we began by talking about the Victorian Era. We noted that Queen Victoria greatly influenced this period and that her influence extended outside of Britain, to Canada and the United States.
We then switched gears and learned a skill called sketch-noting, which is a form of visual note taking. It can be used to help us to take information and think more deeply about what we have read. Instead of basic note taking, sketch-noting requires us to use higher order thinking and analysis to synthesize  information into an image.

We looked at different narratives, text boxes, types of text and images to help emphasize our work. To try out our new skill, we started a quick sketch-note of "how we get to school ."

Homework:  read pages 59-63. Make notes under each heading. 

Friday 17 October 2014

Friday, October 17, 2014

Today I began the lesson by telling you what I would be marking you on in your reflections:

1.) I'm looking for "the what," the "so what," and the "now what."

- I warned that most of you needed to work on your "now what." A personal "I" statement on how learning about residential schools has affected you.

2) I am looking for flow in your writing.

3) I am looking that you have corrected (or do not have any) run-ons.

Good Luck!

We then reviewed Sherman Alexie's short story, Green World. We talked about conflicts, symbolism and then we discussed theme. The conversation was lively and engaged. It was great to hear your feedback. We then looked at Alexie's short story, Scars. You were then asked to look for the three elements on your own.

Reflections due at midnight tonight!

Socials 10-2

There was no class today. Students went to CAP instead.

For those of you who did not finish there presentations...Monday !

Thursday 16 October 2014

Socials 10-4

Today there was no class.  Students went to Planning 10 instead.

The Fall of Rome

Today in Socials we reviewed how to find the main idea in a paragraph and we went over some of the paragraphs. Afterward, we discussed the role of government and brainstormed what would happen if the government in Ottawa and the provinces ceased to be. This helped us to imagine what it would be like for the citizens of the Roman Empire when Rome fell. We realized some changes would be immediate and others would take longer. We will continue to discuss the Fall of Rome next class.
Today we looked at our first short story by acclaimed First Nations' author Sherman Alexie.  We First looked at his biography.  The we looked at the short story element: Theme. We read a helpful sheet on how to find the theme.  We learned that there are elements we can identify in the story that help us to find the theme more easily.   We then read the short story Green World.  You were asked to think what the short story theme might be in this story which we will discuss next class. I then gave you a little more time to work with my feedback for your reflections.

Reflections are due at midnight on Friday, October 17th. Assignments must be on time!

Wednesday 15 October 2014

More time to Reflect.

Today we worked on our reflections a little more. First I asked you to comment on my comments by telling me how you will incorporate my suggestions or edits. We noted that I was not doing this for "busy work,"  but instead as a way for you to show your understanding and to fully acknowledge what you could do to improve your work. We then worked on our flow and at eliminating run- on sentences from our work.  It was a good work session for most of you.

Make sure you have shared your first draft with me.

Wednesday 8-1 and 8-2

Today in both socials classes we reviewed how to find the main idea in a paragraph and we went over some of the paragraphs. Afterward, we discussed the role of government and brainstormed what would happen if the government in Ottawa and the provinces ceased to be. This helped us to imagine what it would be like for the citizens of the Roman Empire when Rome fell. We realized some changes would be immediate and others would take longer. We looked at a presentation of Rome (the link is here). And then we shared with out partners things we knew about Rome, things we wanted to know and things we learned. We will continue to discuss the fall of Rome next class.

There is no homework.

Presentations 10-3

Today we almost finished off our mini-projects of photos that have changed the way we look at Canada. We were asked to present our findings. Most off the groups presented what they had learned about each of the photos, discussed the stories that may not have been told and explained in what way the photos represented Canada. The presentations gave us a a glimpse of the many stories of shame, triumph and tragedy that have made up our nation.  Good work!

There is no homework.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Tuesday's Class

Today we reviewed the story of Rome. We created a timeline and I tried to help students grasp what, for example, 500 years means.  For example, what is a generation, and how many of those fit into 500 years?  After that we read the "Story of Rome" together as a class. We then looked at a new skill that will help when we are writing our own paragraphs: identifying the main idea. We discussed that the main idea is the "point" in the paragraph and that it is usually found in the first sentence. We noted that it is the most important thought about the topic. We worked on finding the main ideas in the paragraphs of our "Story of Rome." I then gave you a chance to try it with a partner. We will continue this work next class. It was hard work for a block after lunch, so we ended the class with another History Makers song. The link is here.

There is no homework! 

Talking Circle

In English today we started with a little housekeeping.  I reminded students that I had assigned homework and was disappointed that only a handful of students had turned it in on time. The first draft of the reflections are due tonight and I will commenting on them to give student a chance to make corrections. The final drafts are due Friday. You will be receiving a mark for your work.

Today I invited a guest speaker, Tami, from the aboriginal education to demonstrate a talking circle. In her circle we made a list of values to which we will return to over the next six weeks. We also discussed the "so what" of what we have learned about residential schools.

It was great having Tami, who gave us a lot to think about. Thank you!

Homework: finish first draft of reflections and have them handed in by the beginning of Wednesday's class. Please share them with

Presentations in 10-4

Today we finished off our mini-projects of photos that have changed the way we look at Canada. We were then asked to present our findings. Each group presented what they had learned about each of the photos and they discussed the stories that may not have been told and then explained in what way the photos represented Canada. The presentations gave us a a glimpse of the many stories of shame, triumph and tragedy that have made up our nation.  Good work!

We were then asked to post a blog comment about one thing we learned from the other group. If you have not had a chance to this, please do it as homework.

If you have completed your blog comment there is no homework.

Socials 10-4

Socials 10-4 please put your comments here. I would like you to comment on your understanding of Canada as a nation captured in the photos you have seen.

Socials 10-3

Socials 10-3 please put your comments here. I would like you to comment on your understanding of Canada as a nation captured in the photos you have seen.

Saturday 11 October 2014

Friday's English Class

Today we looked into the history of residential schools in Canada. We noted the importance of understanding that history so we can better understand First Nations literature. We read the government and church policy of residential schools and tried to understand perspectives on both sides. We then watched two short videos. One was a propaganda video from 1955 and the second one was from a school survivor  B.c. Residential School Survivor Says He Was Starved - Video . We then discussed how this history has impacted First Nations communities across Canada. We noted that the impact will take several generations of reconciliation to change. I then read a story of a young Native woman living in the north of Canada and the impact of residential schools and reserves on her life. She said it made her community  feel worthless and hopeless and many of them, including herself, took drugs to escape these feelings. She now see that embracing her culture is a much better route to go and she has chosen to leave drugs behind her. It was a powerful and raw story and it was sad. I asked the students to write reflections which are due Tuesday. I will look them over and give feedback. You will be given time to use this feedback to correct any errors and resubmit it for a grade.

Homework: finish reflections- the what, the so what and the now what of your learning. 

Friday's grade 8 classes

Today we reviewed the story of Rome. We created a timeline and I tried to help students grasp what, for example, 500 years means.  For example, what is a generation, and how many of those fit into 500 years?  After that we read the "Story of Rome" together as a class. I then showed you a new skill that will help us when we are writing our own paragraphs and that was identifying the main idea. We discussed that the main idea is the "point" in the paragraph and that it is usually found in the first sentence. We noted that it is the most important thought about the topic. We worked on finding the main ideas in the paragraphs of our "Story of Rome." I then gave you a chance to try it with a partner. We will continue this work next class. Group 8-2 had a chance to watch another History Makers song. The link is here. Next class we will all have a chance to see this video. 

There is no homework. Enjoy your long weekend. 

Friday's Class

Today we discussed how events can  change a country. We looked at some of the most powerful images that captured  some of the most powerful moments in Canadian history and we discussed how many of theses pictures evoke different reactions from different viewers. We then worked on a group task. Each of the groups were given four photos to identify and explain there significance to Canadian history. You were then asked to think about what stories were not taken into account. Then you were asked how these photos represent our nation. And finally you will present the information next class. Looking forward to hearing your presentations.

There is no homework. 

Thursday 9 October 2014

Something new

Today in English we began our unit on First Nations literature. We discussed how some of the issue that come up in this unit will be hard and that some of what we will be reading will be very raw. I noted the importance of  learning the  First Nations's history first, so that we could get a deeper perspective of  what we are going to read. We then did mini Lit circles and read biographies in groups. We then shared our findings. I am very pleased how you well you all worked.

There is no homework.

Powerful moments in Canadian history

Today we discussed how events can  change a country. We looked at some of the most thought provoking images that have captured  some of the most powerful moments in Canadian history and we discussed how many of these images evoke different reactions from different viewers. We then worked on a group task. Each of the groups were given four photos to identify and explain their significance to Canadian history. You were then asked to speculate what stories were not taken into account and you were asked how these photos represent our nation. And finally you will present the information next class. Looking forward to hearing your presentations.

There is no homework. 

Civilizations continued

Today in Socials we reviewed the attributes of civilization we discussed last class.  We learned that having a food surplus allowed for people to specialize in different fields, such as: doctors, basket makers, carpenters and truck drivers. We watched a short clip with John Green that gave us another perspective about civilization. You can watch the link here.

We also learnt a new skill called sketch noting. Sketch notes allow us to make pictures to remember large amounts of information. We explored different fonts, icons and text-boxes. We will continue to learn more about this new skill in future classes.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Civilization review continued.....

Today in Socials we reviewed the attributes of civilization we discussed last class. We noted several of these in our notebooks. We learned that having a food surplus allowed for people to specialize in different fields, such as: doctors, basket makers, carpenters and truck drivers. We watched a short clip with John Green that gave us another perspective about civilization. You can watch the link here.

We also learnt a new skill called sketch noting. Sketch notes allow us to make pictures to remember large amounts of information. We explored different fonts, icons and text-boxes. We will continue to learn more about this new skill in future classes.

Civilization review

Today in Socials, we reviewed the last class. We discussed the attributes of civilization and filled out some questions in a worksheet. When we were finished students were asked to comment on one of three questions on the blogspot.  For the most part, answers gave me a sense of what Canada means to you. The class worked well, but needed to be reminded about noise levels far too often. Hopefully, this will not be necessary next class.

There is no homework. 

Urban legends continued......

Today in English we enjoyed a work day. Students worked in pairs to finish their " Urban Legends." When we were finished, several of you shared your creations.  They were very entertaining and I enjoyed hearing these legends very much. I hope to briefly review them at the weekend. Therefore, those of you still working to get them finished have until Friday.

There is no homework if you have finished your legend. 

History not a single story

After writing your geography test, we began our history unit. My name is Ms Wagner and I am a teacher upgrading my qualifications. I will be teaching history for the next six weeks in place of Mr. Marshall. Today we discussed some of the "big ideas" in Socials 10, namely That history  is multiple stories and multiple perspectives. We also noted the importance of thinking critically when we study history and view things from all sides. We read the " blind men And the elephant parable" and listened to a Ted talk called, "Africa, not a single story."

If you have missed today's class please be familiar with both the Ted Talk and the parable. 

Culture 8-2

Here  you can write your blog comments on one of three topics: 
1. Describe what Canadian culture is to you.
2. How does your heritage/ culture influence or define you?
3. What aspect of Canadian culture do most admire and why?
Remember: Do not forget your names. Anonymous comments will be deleted.

Civilization- culture

Here  you can write your blog comments on one of three topics:
1. Describe what Canadian culture is to you.
2. How does your heritage/ culture influence or define you?
3. What aspect of Canadian culture do most admire and why?
Remember: Do not forget your names. Anonymous comments will be deleted.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

History 10

After writing your geography test with Mr. Marshall, we began our history unit. My name is Ms Wagner and I am a teacher upgrading my qualifications. I will be teaching history for the next six weeks in place of Mr. Marshall. Today we discussed some of the "big ideas" in Socials 10, namely that history is made up of multiple stories and multiple perspectives. We also noted the importance of thinking critically when we study history and view things from all sides. We read the " blind men And the elephant parable" and listened to a Ted talk called, "Africa, not a single story."

If you have missed today's class please be familiar with both the Ted Talk and the parable. 

First History Lesson

I am Mrs Wagner and I am a teacher upgrading my qualifications.  For the next six weeks I will be teaching history in Mr. Marshall's Social Studies classes.

Today we had a brief discussion about the attributes of civilization.  We looked back to grade seven and came up with a number of factors such as, food supply, population, water, a system of government and a highly developed culture.  We then did group work and generated as many ideas we could with three aspects of civilization namely, power, culture and religion.  Once we had done that, we tried out some Tableaus.  First, we created scenes from a wedding, to practice and once we go the idea, we created Tableaus to reflect culture, religion and power.  I was really please how engaged and willing each of the groups were.

Lastly we watched the "History Teachers" parody of Gwen Stefani's "Harajuku Girls" called "civilization."  To follow the link press here.  The music video review many of the aspects of civilization we had been talking about.

Urban Legends

Today, we continued story telling, however this time with a bit of  a twist. We shared stories called Urban Legends. Stories that seem true, but in fact are not. I was able to tell a few of my favourites like, the "bunny next door" and the "scuba diver caught in a tree."

We then did a "four corners" exercise to see what kind of writer you think you are. It was also a tool for me to see how writing is for you. I very much enjoyed your engaging slogans and metaphors.

 Finally, it was your chance to write. We used a blogspot as a source of examples and in pairs we sat down to write an urban legend. The guidelines you were given of how to write a short story based on a legend were:
  1. You can rely on as little or as much material in the urban legend given to you as you like.
  2. You can change any detail and add any detail to make it a better story.
  3. You can choose to make the ending positive or funny but it must aim to make the readers scared.
  4. You can make one up.

You will have time to work on these tomorrow. For those of you away, check out the link above to read a few urban legends.

Monday 6 October 2014

First English Class with Ms Wagner

I am Ms. Wagner and am a teacher upgrading my qualifications. For the next six weeks I will be teaching in Mr. Davis' English class.

Today, we began by telling stories. We then discussed some of the elements of a good story, such as, relatable subject, humour, engaging story line and so forth. From there we discussed issues of stereotyping and misconceptions and how these can be shared in the form of stories. We discussed stereotypes both in the school and in society.

We the watched a 10 minute clip called, The Power of Outrospection. Philosopher and author Roman Krznaric explains how we can help drive social change by stepping outside ourselves. He noted the importance of "cognitive empathy," which he refers to as perspective taking; the ability to step into another persons shoes in order to understand their world view. To close I asked if you would write me some comments about what you learned from the video. I have received most of these comments and am pleased with your insights for the most part. Please take the opportunity to watch it again. 

The First History Lesson

I am Mrs Wagner and I am a teacher upgrading my qualifications.  For the next six weeks I will be teaching history in Mr. Marshall's Social Studies classes.

Today we had a brief discussion about the attributes of civilization.  We looked back to grade seven and came up with a number of factors such as, food supply, population, water, a system of government and a highly developed culture.  We then did group work and generated as many ideas we could with three aspects of civilization namely, power, culture and religion.  Once we had done that, we tried out some Tableaus.  First, we created scenes from a wedding, to practice and once we go the idea, we created Tableaus to reflect culture, religion and power.  I was really please how engaged and willing each of the groups were.

Lastly we watched the "History Teachers" parody of Gwen Stefani's "Harajuku Girls" called "civilization."  To follow the link press here.  The music video review many of the aspects of civilization we had been talking about.

The first history lesson

I am Ms. Wagner and I am a teacher upgrading my qualifications. For the next six weeks I will be teaching history in Mr. Marshall's Social Studies classes.

Today, after a series of interruptions ( at least two fire alarms), we managed to have a brief review of the attributes of civilization. We remembered back to grade seven and came up with a number of factors: stable food supply, water, a system of government,specialized labour and finally, a highly developed culture. We listened to the "history teachers" parody of Gwen Stefani's"Harajuku Girls" called "civilization." Link here: We noted that the song reinforced attributes of civilizations including: architecture, super cities,money, art and religions. We ended the class with Tableaus of a wedding. Although a wedding has little to do with civilization we are preparing ourselves for Wednesday's class.