Thursday 23 October 2014

Essay Changes for Monday

Today, was a little unusual.  We began the lesson with a short story read by Mr. Davis called, Tony Toenails.  It is a quirky tale about a man with a very indigestible habit.

We were all rather distracted. Firstly, there was the impending eclipse of the moon at 2:25 and secondly, there will be a Pro-D day tomorrow. As we prepared to learn how to write an essay, the time was short and the attention scattered.

We worked on a thesis statement together which we came to realize did not work well for all three stories. Below you will find the revised prompt and the revised thesis statement that will be used for Monday's class.

The writing prompt can be used as your introductory statement if you write an essay.  If you write a creative or personal piece it will be used as a springboard from which your ideas will flow.

The writing prompt:

Symbolism is a powerful tool to convey abstract meaning.

The thesis statement you will use is as follows:

 In the three aboriginal stories, Green World, Scars, and Borders, symbolism is used effectively to convey theme.

It will be an open book essay, which means that you can use all your notes on symbolism.  You will need to find evidence of symbolism in the text and use it to support your statements. You will have the full class to write your essay, personal piece, or story if needed. Good luck!

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