Tuesday 27 February 2018

Tuesday, February 27, Reanaissance Artists and Inventors

The Renaissance lasted about 250 years. It started in Italy, around 1350, and ended around 1600. The word "Renaissance" means rebirth. What was reborn was an interest in learning. For a long time, after the fall of the Roman Empire, there had been little to no interest or time to learn much of anything except how to stay alive in very violent times. Most people had not learned how to read or write. But slowly, people began to want to learn again. This new beginning was called the Renaissance.

When you hear the word “Renaissance Man”, the first name that usually pops up in a person’s head is that of Leonardo da Vinci. Da Vinci is the epitome of the Renaissance humanist ideal. He was not only an outstanding painter, but also an engineer, inventor, scientist, and philosopher.

 Renaissance PowerPoint

(This power point includes: defining Renaissance, Humanism, Artists, Inventors, Playwrights)

History on Renaissance starting at 11:30

Add vocabulary to notes:

Scavenger Hunt through the text: Who discovered and when and why is it important.

After you read Quizlet yourself

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