Friday 8 December 2017

Social Studies 8-4 Tuesday and Thursday Dec 5 and 6th

On Tuesday we wrote our Fall of Rome Quiz.  Afterward, students worked on the Celt project.  I was disappointed how many of you chose to use your project time and because of that have moved the due date to Tuesday December 12th, you will have 20 minutes of class time to finish them off.  The rest will have to be done on your own time.

On Thursday, we reviewed the tests.  Some of you asked me if you could re-do the test and the answer is yes.  However, you must come in at lunch for a quick tutorial before writing it the following class.  Only one student was at my Friday tutorial, and so will be able to re-write the quiz on Monday.  The class work was much more focused and productive for the projects. I very much appreciate the good use of class time. 

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