Thursday 8 March 2018

Thursday, March 8, 2018 Mental Health and the Law

Mental Health and the Law:

The impact of the law on the lives of people with mental health problems and mental illness is complex. It can affect human rights, indigenous peoples rights, employment opportunities, experiences within the justice system, housing, and even access to healthcare services.
Discussions about mental health and the law, and interactions with the justice system, can be clouded by stigma and misconceptions. Many people wrongly believe that people with a mental health problem or mental illness are typically violent, when in fact they are far more likely to be victims of crime.
There is also an apparent lack of appropriate and sufficient mental health training for police organizations and correctional staff. Canadian police organizations appear to be doing a reasonable job of training officers for successful interactions with people with a mental illness. However, there are still notable gaps and cases where mental illness is overlooked or misrepresented.

It is crucial to understand and improve the ways interactions with the legal and justice systems impact people with mental health problems and illnesses.


Understanding common legal issues with youth and mental illness 

BC Mental Health Act in plain language

Understanding the Facts - mental illness, the symptoms, the stigma and help available


The Law & Our Province: Mental Health and the Law

Mental Health and Youth: Globe and Mail article

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