Thursday 26 October 2017

Socials 8-4: Castle Project and Current Events

After a week of settling in, I finally have my blog up and running.

Current Events Assignment: Due every Tuesday and Thursday

In Socials 8-4 I would like each student to bring a current event each day of class.  You should write down where you got it ( the source - global, the globe and mail, the sun, the local or Coast Reporter etc.)You should identify whether or not it is local, national or international news.  You should write a short summary of what you read in your own words in either a paragraph or point form.  I will select some students to read theirs out each class and we will discuss them.  At the moment I want you to  bring them to every Tuesday and Thursday class.  Many of you are forgetting them but remember it is part of you mark, so an effort should be made to complete them.

Castle project:
The castle project is and inquiry project into castles based on the research the students did in Ms Pednauds class. It is Due Nov 6 at the beginning of class.  The students have had an half hour in the library today and most know what they are doing their project on.  They will need to complete a great deal of work at home.

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