Monday 30 October 2017

English 8-4 and 8-2

Today your Visual Stories are due.  Thank you to those students that handed their work in on time!
Finish your paragraphs on Charles for next class.

Today, in class we looked at and discussed Rubrics for the Visual Story and the paragraph. I will include a picture of these at the bottom of the post.  I asked you to use the character traits and quotes from last class to help you to write your paragraph today on Charles.

The topic today was characterization.  I asked you to write an aprox, 200w paragraph on the following question:

What are some of the character traits that Laurie/ Charles share. Is Laurie/Charlie a round character?  If so what is your proof?

Please support each statement with evidence from the story.

I asked that you write the paragraph in class and either print it or share it with me on google drive.   Those of you who are not finished, I expect it finished as homework and/ or completed in LA blocks.

The Paragraph Rubric

The Visual Story Rubric

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