Tuesday 21 November 2017

Tuesday, Novemeber 21 English 8-3

 Today, I was away and I left instructions for the TOC to give time to read and prepare for  literary circles for Thursday.  The groups will meet every Thursday until winter break. Should you be away on that day due to illness, be sure to contact someone in your group and let them know. Share with them what you can.

I asked that you watch the rest of the short film, "Outrospection" (you will find a link to this film on the previous post) which discussed empathy. There are two kinds of empathy: Affective empathy- a shared emotional response and Cognitive empathy - perspective taking or stepping into the shoes of another.  I asked that students write a paragraph explaining when he/she may have experienced or shown empathy.  I will give time next class for students to either correct completed work or finish off their first drafts.

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