Wednesday 31 January 2018

January 31, Info Tech 9

Everyday you will be expected to type 10 minutes every class. Every Friday there will be a timed assignment.

1. You will find the link to Touch Typing Here. Sign in and create an account. Keep track of your username and password.  If you are concerned you might lose it you can keep this information with me.

2. Your next job will be to create a google account:

To create an account:
  1. Go to
  2. Click Create account.
  3. The signup form will appear. ...
  4. Review Google's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, click the check box, then click Next step.
  5. Here, you'll have an opportunity to set up recovery options. ...
  6. Your account will be created, and the Google welcome page will appear.
Once you are finished email me your email at
This is out of 5.  VERY Easy marks.
2. Once you have sent your email to me please complete the following.

Here is a link to it "weebly" I want you to make a website for yourself. You will need to get your personal code and password to join our class called Turtle. Once you have logged on I will give a quick tutorial so you know a few things to get started.  You can watch a youtube video for even more information.

You can name your site whatever you want. I can be sleek, professional, humourous, artistic, beautiful. It cannot go against the Elphinstone Code of Conduct - The idea is to make it your own.

Using the custom website creation site "Weebly," you are to begin the portfolio that will be used to showcase most of your learning for this course.

At this point, the first task is to create an autobiography or "about me" page.  The purpose of which is to introduce yourself to your classmates and your teachers. After reading it, we should have a better picture of who you are as a person and as a student, and what is important to you.

Due Date:
By the end of class this Friday, you should have completed your portfolio page "About Me". Be sure to send the address of your website to Ms Wagner by midnight on Friday. I will add your site to the course directory and will do the marking from here. Thank you for your cooperation in staying up to date on your assignments.

Mandatory items or topics to include:

  • Basic Bio
    • Name (Preferred First Name, plus initial of last name: Ex. Vicki M.)
    • A photo of yourself or and Avatar (taken in Photobooth and properly framed)
    • Grade
    • E-Mail address that you will be using for the purpose of this course
    • Educational information: schools attended and when, anticipated graduation date, favourite and least favourite subjects (and why), and any special accomplishments or recognitions.
    • A heading where you will summarize  the 9 elements of digital citizenship in your own words.
  • What makes you unique
    • At least 5 facts about you that we would find unique, interesting, or helpful in delivering the course material to you
      • Special interests and things about you (sports, hobbies, sports played, important issues, religion, languages spoken etc.)
      • Some of your favourites (movies, video, music, games, books, celebrities, songs, etc.)
    • Links to your three favourite websites (include screen shots and why you like them so much)
    • Personal & career dreams and goals (may have changed over time)
  • Computer Connection
    • Why did you take this course?
    • Summary of computer related skills and prior experience at school and at home - what do you know how to do
    • What do you hope to learn in this course
    • What mark do you hope to achieve in this course and what is your plan for achieving it?
    • Specs of the computer(s) and software programs you have access to at home
    • If you have developed your own websites or videos, please provide links

Optional items or topics to include:

  • Other places you have lived and when you lived there
  • Vacations you have taken
  • Important events in your life (provide details: when, where, and why?)
  • A personal motto or favourite quote that is of importance to you (why?)
  • A statement about where you plan to be 10 years from now
  • Resume that includes your Work Experience (Locations, time frames, and duties) and Volunteer Experience
  • As you are creating your autobiography or about me page, REMEMBER TO SAVE YOUR WORK FREQUENTLYi.e.: every five minutes or so... better safe than sorry.
  • For higher marks, consider creating multiple or sub pages that are nested within your main "About Me" page.
  • Before considering the assignment done, be sure to make sure everything is loading and working as intended.
  • Completeness of information
  • The extent to which you have created an autobiography that is professional looking, visually appealing, well organized and easy to navigate. The text should be easy to read and the content should be without spelling and grammar errors.
  • Inclusion of sub pages, lists, links, movies, and images
  • All links are functional with external links opening in new windows or tabs.
  • All outside materials are cited properly
  • "About Me" or autobiography page listed properly in the menu of main website
  • Website link sent to Ms Wagner for inclusion in course directory
  • This introductory project will be graded out of 20 marks
When you are done: Try this for fun bit of coding:  Light Bot 

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