Monday 29 October 2018

Socials 11, Monday, October 29, 2018

1. Housekeeping

2. What's happening in BC and what's to know

a) PPT on FPTP or PR

b). A Word from Rik Mercer

c) What is "First Past the Post," and why could it be considered unfair ?

d) What is Proportional Representation? 

e)Youth for Proportional Representation 

Write: How would you explain first past the post to a friend or parent.  Write down your explanation and hand it in.

3. The Start of WWII: The rise of dictatorship

Group Work: What is the role of government? Think in-terms of its role of governance.

What was the atmosphere in Europe.  Where did the tensions begin?

How did WWII Start? 

Reading Guide Questions.

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