Tuesday 2 October 2018

Socials 11, Tuesday, October, 2 2018

1. Review

2. Residential School - What is the legacy in Canada about the Residential Schools

We have talked a little about trauma and how an event like war can affect the human psyche.
Now image if you will, trauma affecting, not only yourself, your family, and your community, but it lasting for generations. What would be the impact?  

Why don't they just get over it already

2. Quiet Work/Study Hour: Time to work on the textbook questions and get caught up.
  The answers can be found on 57-58 and under the Winnipeg General Strike 50-51
8.           What does the term "branch plant" mean?
9           How was US investment in Canada in the 1920s different from earlier British investments.
10.           What are "tariffs"?
11.           What aspects of the Canadian economy would be dominated by US investors by the end of the 1920s?
12.           What is a "primary industry" vs. “secondary industry”?
13.           What is a disadvantage of exporting raw materials from Canada?
14 .          What were the goals of the labour movement in the 1920s?

15.           Describe the extent of the Winnipeg General Strike.
16.           What was the "Red Scare"?
17           What is meant by "collective bargaining"?
18.        What was the "Citizens Committee of 1000"?
19.           What actions did the city of Winnipeg take to end the strike?
20.           What did the federal government do to end the Winnipeg General Strike?
21.           What was "Bloody Saturday"?
22.           How were the strikers treated after the Winnipeg General Strike was broken?
23.           Who was J.S. Woodsworth?
24.        What was "prohibition"?
25.        Why did provincial governments start selling alcohol in the 1920s?

26.        What is a "plebiscite"?
27.        How did some Canadians take advantage of prohibition in the US? 

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