Friday 31 May 2019

Spider Humanties, Friday, May 31, 2019


1. Housekeeping

2. Current Events:
  1. First 3 minutes: Wildfires in Alberta
  2.  Smoke Season Comes Early to BC 
  3. Do you know the number to call?  *_ _ _ _  
  4. Activity on Paper: Fire Succession and Should forest fires be put out?
  5. Activity:  BC Wildfire Prevention Guide
  6. Mentimeter: Burning Issues 
  7.  Isaac's link: World Protest Day September 20th

3. English Focus:

Starting off: 

1. What does consequence mean? Can you explain and give an example?
2.  Have you experienced an instance in your life when you needed to pay more attention but didn't? What consequences, did you face as a result?
3. Have you experienced an argument with a friend and/sibling? How did you reconcile?
4. Have you ever had to own something that you have done that was uncomfortable to do?
5. Have you had a moment of courage that you have overcome a huge challenge.

This is a captivating story of betrayal and forgiveness written in free verse.

Ebb & Flow by Heather Smith: Discussion Questions

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